
Fluid in Hip Joint Treatment

Joint pain can occur in one or many joints, and can be caused by arthritis (arthritis), injury, overuse, or bursitis (inflammation or irritation of the bursa, a fluid-filled bag that acts like a lubricant to reduce friction), and many diseases and different conditions. In general, osteoarthritis affects the knees, hips, spine and hands.

Treatment of osteoarthritis, depending on the stage. For example, how to inject, it can only be used for patients with early stages. This method is not for advanced stages. For patients with stage three and four, the injection is not in place. If it's done, it's like salting sea water. The effect is not good.

Before doing the injection, you must first know the ingredients to be injected. Generally, injections are herononic acid or herononic acid. This is the generic name, the products are various. The raw materials are different, some are from chicken, organic, and synthetic. The purpose of injection is to add fluids. Normal knee fluid is actually there. The name is synophium liquid which is produced from sinufium-sinufium in the joint capsule. Its function is as a lubricant, so that our joints can move smoothly. This liquid can be excessive too. If there is inflammation, this fluid can be excessive. If you are over do not inject, instead you have to suck. Don't be afraid to dry, it won't dry out.

Sometimes, there are also osteoarthritis patients injected with steroids. This step is not good. This action is done if it is very necessary. A maximum of three to four times a year. The danger is that bones become porous. This is necessary, if the inflammation is great.

The injected liquid must enter the intended joint. Otherwise it will be in vain. Even though the 'sour' price is quite expensive for every cure. Each patient can undergo a number of different injections, there are two or three injections.

About the effectiveness of injections, depending on the stage. For patients with stage one and two, it is quite effective, while for stage three and four it is less effective. This method must be repeated a year to six months. The thing to remember is that osteoarthritis has no cure, which can restore to better function. There is no way to stop it.

Because osteoarthritis cannot be cured and there is no cure, what needs to be done is to reduce weight and modify the life style. For example, do not do activities that are high impact, if you already know there is osteoarthritis.

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