Where is The Hip Located on The Body
February 23, 2019
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Many of us hear in the community that if a woman who has narrow hips is difficult when giving birth normally, this is actually a myth that is not necessarily the truth, the proof is also that many large, large-hipped women, when giving birth ends with surgery.
-The hips are: groups or collections of fat fat and the muscles around it.
Then located around the waist area down, want to know your "hips", try to position your body in lying down, and then tilt it, then touch / run your hand on the left or right side of your body, from the top of the waist down, if your palm from flat to rising (around the waist), that's the '', medium '' pelvis' cannot be seen because of the shape of the bone, which is also located below the waist.
So someone can have a big hip, and not necessarily have a large pelvis, and vice versa can be a woman who is not big hip but has a large pelvic bone.
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