
10 Causes of Hip Pain in Women and How to Overcome It

Unlike men, women often experience pain in the hips, lower abdomen, and groin area. This pain is sometimes normal, easily lost, or very intense and often appears many times. When it appears, women will feel uncomfortable and eventually feel weak and not strong to do other activities. Here are some of the causes of hip pain in women in full.

Causes of hip pain in women

Hip pain in women is quite a lot even though the pain and intensity are almost similar to each other. Well, so you know that pain in the hip is normal or because of certain diseases, see the review below.

Pain before menstruation

Every menstrual cycle, women will experience PMS. This syndrome will cause pain in the lower abdomen to the hips. This pain due to menstruation is reasonable because in the uterus there is a decay of the endometrium. Now, from this complete endometrial menstrual blood finally comes out.

If you experience pain that is too strong so that every PMS gets weak and fainting, it's a good idea to get yourself checked out immediately. That way the doctor can give medication to relieve pain that is too strong.


Although not all experience it, when ovulation occurs in the area of ​​the hip and lower abdomen often feel pain. This occurs because inflammation appears in the pelvis so that pain arises even though the intensity is not too much. After ovulation occurs, the pain will subside by itself over time.

Urinary tract infection

Pain can also arise because there is an infection of the urinary tract. This infection occurs because there is bacteria entering the vagina. Bacteria that can be prevented by normal flora just enter because the vagina is too dirty and there is a change in acidity.

Urinary tract infections also occur when women do not wash the vaginal area properly so that bacteria from the anus are carried forward. Urinary tract infections are also caused by unhealthy sexual activity and poor sanitation after intercourse.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Inflammation of the pelvis can occur if the vaginal area has an infection and is not immediately cured. As a result, this excessive infection triggers inflammation of the pelvis. This condition is very dangerous for women because it can cause organ disruption and also cause infertility so the chances of having children will be very small.

Sexually transmitted disease

There are many sexually transmitted diseases that occur in women ranging from gonorrhea or chlamydia. These two diseases will cause problems in the body if not addressed immediately. In addition to removing vaginal discharge with a thick color and foul-smelling, women will also feel pain that is strong enough in the pelvic area.

Sexually transmitted diseases can actually be cured as long as they are treated appropriately. If the handling is not right or even left alone, it is possible to spread everywhere and trigger a complication condition.

Endometriosis and ovarian cysts

Endometriosis is the growth of the abnormal uterine lining. Normal endometrium will not be too thick and spread everywhere. Unfortunately, in certain conditions, the endometrium is disrupted and pressed into the area of ​​the cervix or other organs around the uterus. This condition is called endometriosis.

Endometriosis that spreads to the ovary will cause other disorders. The follicular area in the ovary will be overgrown with a kind of cyst. The impact of a condition called ovarian cysts is that follicles cannot produce eggs properly.

Ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy occurs in the uterus, the fetus formed after fertilization will do implantation in the uterine wall. Unfortunately if a fetal abnormality occurs it will stick to the fallopian tubes and cause interference. The chance for the fetus to fall and eventually a miscarriage will be large. This condition is called an ectopic pregnancy and causes hip pain.


Myoma is the growth of tumors in the muscle tissue of the uterus. These tumors are rarely cancerous even though they can grow large and cause major problems. If the condition of myoma is large, massive bleeding will occur. Women will often feel pain in the hip and the possibility of getting a low pregnancy.

Stone in the urinary tract

The urinary tract consists of the kidneys to the urinary bladder. Well, this urine actually contains many crystals that can harden if the concentration is high. This hardening of the crystals triggers the formation of stones that will make the pelvic area become ill and sometimes urine bleeds.


In rare cases, tumors can also appear in the reproductive tract or urinary tract in women. These growing tumors cause very strong pain. In certain conditions, tumors can also reduce the function of organs.

How to deal with hip pain in women

There is a lot of pain that appears on a woman's hip and handling may vary. However, in general the pain in the body can be overcome by doing a number of things below.

Compressing. You can use warm water or cold water compresses. Adjust to your needs.
Perform physical therapy to make the pelvic area more comfortable.
Acupuncture is also often used to treat excessive pain.
Do yoga to make the body more relaxed and reduce pain.
Eating foods with lots of fiber so that you don't straining too often when you defecate and make the pelvic area more painful.
Here are some of the causes of hip pain in women and how to deal with it right. Of the several causes above, is there anything you've experienced before besides menstrual problems? Hopefully it can make us pay more attention to the health problems of female organs.

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