
Cause The Baby is Difficult Out

The opening of the cervix (cervix) is a sign of the birth of a baby called the opening. The labor opening process generally begins with opening 1 and ending with opening 10 when the baby is born. But in some cases, babies may not come out even though the mother has experienced a complete opening. What are the factors that cause this condition?

Cause the baby is difficult out when opening

The opening and delivery process can take several tens of minutes to hours.

For women who are giving birth for the first time, the duration of labor is more than 20 hours and can endanger the condition of both the mother and fetus.

Normally the baby will come out after the full opening. But in some cases, the baby will not be born even though the cervical opening has reached 10.

Here are a number of factors that can be the cause:

1. Mismatch in the size of the baby's head and mother's pelvis

Even though the mother has experienced a complete opening, the baby is at risk of not coming out if there is a mismatch between the size of the baby's head and the mother's pelvis.

This condition can occur in two forms, namely:

  • The baby's head or body is too big to pass through the mother's pelvis
  • Mother's pelvis is too narrow or has an abnormal shape

Launch of the American Pregnancy Association, a condition that is medically referred to as cephalopelvic disproportion occurs in 1 in 250 pregnancies.

Pregnant women usually need to undergo follow-up in the form of cesarean section to remove the fetus immediately.

2. Less strong contractions

The frequency of contractions will continue to increase during labor. By the time the baby is born, contractions can occur every 2-3 minutes.

A contraction that is not strong enough will cause the baby to not come out even if the opening is complete.

To assess how strong the contractions are, doctors usually need to feel the mother's abdomen. Contractions are said to be effective if the abdominal muscles are tense enough and more often occur before birth.

If the contractions are not effective enough, mothers are advised to undergo labor induction.

3. Placenta previa

Placenta previa is a condition when the placenta (the placenta) covers part or all of the cervix. The presence of the placenta in the birth can cause severe bleeding during pregnancy until delivery.

If the placenta does not return to its original position until before delivery, pregnant women are not advised to push.

This aims to prevent bleeding, but the drawback is that the baby cannot get out even though the opening is complete.

4. Abnormal fetal position

The best position for the fetus to be born is reversed with the head down. This position allows the fetal head to come out first so the body can follow easily.

However, the fetus can sometimes also be in an abnormal position until near delivery.

Abnormal positions can cause the baby not to come out when the opening is large. Some of these positions include:

The fetal head is below, but the face of the fetus faces the birth canal so it covers it
Sungsang, both buttocks and legs first
Horizontal, not starting with the head, buttocks, or legs

5. Emergency conditions and fetal distress

Conditions during childbirth can hinder or even stop the entire labor process.

For mothers, emergencies are usually associated with bleeding, high blood pressure, or the mother is exhausted through a long labor.

As for the fetus, here are some conditions that are classified as serious:

  • Fetal heart rate is not normal
  • Too little amniotic fluid
  • There are problems with muscle and fetal movements
  • The fetus lacks oxygen
  • Fetus wrapped around the umbilical cord
  • Fetal development stops

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