
Tightening Sagging Skin After Childbirth

Sagging skin after giving birth makes new mothers become less confident. This is a result of weight gain during pregnancy, so the skin that was originally tight turned into loosen. As soon as giving birth, the skin that has already stretched is difficult to return to its original shape. So, is there a way to tighten sagging skin naturally?

The natural way to tighten sagging skin after giving birth
Every woman who has just given birth craves a slim body and skin back tight as when before pregnancy first. Relax, this is not just a dream, really!

Yes, you can regain tight, glowing skin after giving birth. While taking care of your child, do the following natural ways to tighten sagging skin after giving birth.

1. Take care of your diet

In addition to accelerating the recovery process, managing a good diet after giving birth can also help tighten the skin, you know! So that your skin can come back tight and supple, try adding various sources of protein in your diet.

Food sources of protein such as eggs, meat, and nuts are very good for the development of the muscles of the body. Protein also contains collagen which can help tighten sagging skin, both in the arms, thighs, stomach, face, and other body parts.

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Nutrition Adequacy Figures, the total protein needs of women aged 19-49 are around 56-57 grams. Now, because you are currently breastfeeding, then you are required to add 20 grams of protein to the food every day.

2. Drink plenty of water

Not just quenching your thirst, drinking enough water every day can also make your skin more elastic. The more you drink water regularly, the skin condition will be more moist and ultimately reduce the sagging skin gradually.

Drinking water can also help burn fat in the body and reduce the buildup of water in the stomach. As a result, the loose skin in the abdomen will slowly tighten and make you look slim like before pregnancy.

3. Regular exercise

Have you set your diet and drink enough water? Do not forget to balance with regular exercise, yes! Not only helps to lose weight, exercise after giving birth can also help tighten sagging skin in several parts of the body.

No need to bother trying high-intensity exercise so that fat on the skin quickly decreases. You can do light cardio exercises like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, or biking, as long as it's done consistently.

If you are used to it, add strength training to build and tighten muscles. Starting from simple things like sit-ups and push-ups, or you can also take yoga or pilates classes. These movements can tighten the core muscles, hips, and buttocks for a long time.

To be safer, you should first consult with your doctor about the time and type of exercise that is right for you. This aims to avoid the risk of injury that may occur during sports later.

4. Diligent breastfeeding

Who would have thought that breastfeeding your child could also be the best way to tighten sagging skin after giving birth? Besides being a healthy source of nutrition for babies, breastfeeding is also beneficial for maternal health.

When breastfeeding, calories in your body will be converted into milk for your child. The more and more often you breastfeed, the less fat in your body. In fact, experts reveal that a nursing mother tends to lose weight faster than a mother who does not breastfeed.

5. Massage with essential oils

Essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can improve skin texture to be firmer. For maximum results, try using almond oil or coconut oil which is effective in removing stretch marks in the stomach.

Apply the essential oil to the abdomen, arms, or legs, then massage gently. Routine massage after childbirth makes blood flow under the skin smoother, so the skin becomes tighter.

In other words, a combination of massage and essential oils can maximize your efforts to tighten sagging skin after giving birth. Especially if done routinely, then your skin will be healthier, firmer, and radiant.

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