
Muscle Pain in Upper Arm and Shoulder

Painful shoulders can hamper your ability to move freely if not handled properly. Shoulder pain is a common problem with a number of different causes. Men, women and children from all ethnic and age backgrounds can experience it.

What are the causes of shoulder pain?

Shoulder pain may arise from the shoulder joint itself or from one of the many muscles, ligaments, or tendons around it. Shoulder pain originating from the joints will usually worsen with increased activity or movement of the arm or shoulder.

Shoulder pain can come from one or more of the following causes:

1. Aus (excessive use)

Doing heavy work (such as hoeing, carrying heavy loads), exercising (baseball, archery, golf, lifting weights, etc.), using heavy bags can cause shoulder pain. Using shoulder joints too often or hard in the long term can cause soft tissue inside the shoulder to wear out more easily so that the shoulder becomes more susceptible to injury. This is often referred to as tendinitis.

Sometimes, shoulder joints that are overused can become inflamed and swell painful. This condition is referred to as bursitis. Bursitis can cause many daily activities such as combing your hair or dressing more difficult.

2. Sprains or sprains

Shoulder sprains refer to tears in the ligaments or muscles that bind the shoulder joint. This tear of the ligament in the bone usually results in pain and inflammation in the shoulder area to the difficulty in moving the arm or shoulder. The most common cause of shoulder sprains is a direct hit on the shoulder and the surrounding area - whether it is a fall in an awkward position, a motorbike accident, or an accident while exercising.

The severity of the blow received by the body when it falls into its own arms, for example, or bumping into an opposing player while fighting on a green field, can spread to the shoulder joints that cause shoulder bone separation. The protective ligaments are stretched in such a way as to stretch and eventually tear.

3. Dislocation

The shoulder is a member of the body that is most often dislocated. Dislocation occurs when the bone comes out of the socket socket. For example, the top of your arm bone is attached to your shoulder joint. When dislodged or loosened out of the joint due to a fall or a strong blow, you experience a shoulder dislocation. Dislocations can occur in almost every joint in your body, including your knees, hips, or ankles.

It takes very strong strength, like a sudden impact on the shoulder, to be able to pull the bone out of its place. Extreme rotation of the shoulder joint can release the tip of your upper arm bone out of your shoulder socket. Fast lashes can also cause partial dislocations - where your upper arm bone is only halfway off your shoulder socket.

Because dislocation means your bones are no longer where they should be, you should treat them as an emergency and seek medical help as soon as possible. Untreated dislocations can cause damage to your ligaments, nerves or blood vessels. What's more, if the joints have ever been dislocated, it will be more likely to dislocate in the future.

4. Frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), is a painful condition that makes you unable to move your shoulders, so that the range of motion of the shoulder becomes very limited. This condition occurs when there is thickening, swelling and tightening of the flexible tissue that surrounds your shoulder joint. You may find it difficult to carry out daily tasks such as dressing, driving, and sleeping comfortably. Some people can't even move their shoulders at all.

Frozen shoulder may occur after injury or excessive use or from diseases, such as diabetes or stroke. Every shoulder complaint hurts for other reasons can also lead to this condition if you do not train the joints to keep moving. The tissue around the joints then become stiff, form scar tissue, and finally every movement made by the shoulder becomes difficult and painful. This condition usually comes slowly, then disappears slowly for one year or more.

5. Osteoarthritis

Shoulder pain can also be produced from osteoarthritis, aka calcification of joints. Osteoarthritis usually starts around middle age and develops slowly; the pain caused can worsen over time. Osteoarthritis may be related to injury (exercise or non-exercise) and overuse. Other types of arthritis can be associated with tears in the rotator cuff, infection, or inflammation of the joint lining.

Often people will avoid avoiding moving their shoulders in an effort to reduce their pain. In fact, this sometimes causes stiffness of the soft tissue of the joint, thus limiting the smooth movement of shoulder shoulders painful - referred to as frozen shoulder.

In addition to the above reasons, shoulder pain can be caused by poor posture and a number of diseases, such as gallbladder disorders, liver disease, heart disease, or diseases related to the spine in the neck. Other less common causes are tumors, infections, and nerve problems (such as nerve pins).

How to deal with shoulder pain?

There are several types of treatment for shoulder pain, depending on the cause of the pain and symptoms. First aid in mild shoulder pain usually involves the RICE method:

Rest (rest): do not move heavily or move your shoulders within 48 hours after injury
Ice (ice compress) stick an ice pack on the injured shoulder for 20 minutes, 4-8 times a day. You can use plastic that is filled with ice packs and coated with a towel, or use a finished ice pack available at the pharmacy.
Compression: gently press the affected area to help reduce swelling. You can wrap your shoulders with a bandage to keep them stable.
Elevation: Keep the area of ​​the injury higher than the heart. If you want to lie down, support your shoulders with a thick soft pillow to support its position.
Painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or paracetamol can be taken to reduce pain and treat minor injuries or shoulder pain from frozen shoulder at home.

If symptoms don't improve after a few weeks, get worse, or get worse from the start because of an accident, immediately visit a doctor. Your doctor may refer you to consult an orthopedic surgeon (bone and muscle health specialist) or rheumatologist (muscle and joint specialist).

Surgery may be needed to resolve a number of shoulder problems that are severe or recurrent; However, 90 percent of patients who complain of shoulder pain can improve only with simple treatment methods as listed above.

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