
How Many Eggs do Women Have

You must have often heard about how attractive male sperm is to be discussed. However, how much do you know about eggs? You only know that a woman's egg is very necessary in the process of fertilization. Did you know that a woman's egg has been produced in the womb? Here's the facts about eggs that are interesting for you.

What are the facts about eggs that you need to know?

1. The egg cell has been produced since the fetus

Nine weeks after the fertilization process occurs, it turns out that the fetus has started producing eggs. At the age of six months, the female fetus has made more than seven oocytes or eggs. At birth, most immature eggs are dead, and this is normal.

2. The egg is very large

Did you know that the egg has a very large shape? You might be surprised to know that an egg cell is one of the largest cells in a woman's body. The egg cell has a diameter of about 100 microns (one millionth of a meter), or approximately one hair thick and can be seen with the naked eye. The comparison is that eggs are four times larger than skin cells, 26 times larger than red blood cells, and 16 times larger than sperm.

3. The amount is limited

The facts about the next egg cell are the average woman ovulating as many as 400 to 500 eggs in her life. This makes the egg far less than sperm. So, maybe this is one reason that eggs are far more valuable than sperm. Egg donors will usually get far more rewards than sperm donors.

4. It is difficult to donate eggs

When a man donates his sperm, he can do this process only by masturbating and nothing more. However, to donate eggs, women must undergo complicated medical procedures.

First, donors will get hormone injections that will "stimulate" the ovaries, so that their bodies not only make one egg, but tens. When the time is right, the doctor will insert a catheter into the birth canal to suck fluid from the follicle, and catch a few eggs in the woman's body

5. Long life cycle

Unlike other cells in the body, eggs take years to "grow". That is, many eggs spend their lives in an immature state in the ovary or require a relatively long time to reach the stage of maturity. Once cooked, one of them is released during the ovulation process. Every single production cycle, only one egg is released, alternating from the left and right ovaries.

6. The egg will choose which sperm you can reach

In the process of fertilization, the egg cell is often described as a 'passive player' who only waits for the first sperm to come and enter it. However, studies have shown that eggs have a much larger role than these estimates because the egg turns out to be quite picky.

The egg will actually choose which sperm can enter it. The study also shows that eggs will actively trap the selected sperm on their surface, so the sperm has no other choice.

When the selected sperm enters into it, the outer layer of the egg cell will harden to prevent other sperm from entering it.

The fact about the last egg you need to know is that your overall health greatly determines the quality of the egg because these important cells are actually already in the body, not just made every month during the fertile period.

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