
Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

Easy to laugh and then sad suddenly, have a thin body but feel fat, like if things are organized, or feel to hear whispers? That is a kind of mental disorder that is common in humans.

Mental disorders are health problems that affect how a person feels, thinks, behaves, and interacts with others significantly. The reason could be due to genetic or congenital factors, there is a family history of having a mental disorder, stress, having experienced psychological abuse or trauma, severe brain injury, using illegal drugs, or having a serious medical condition. Pregnant women who are exposed to viruses or toxic chemicals are also suspected of playing a role in triggering mental disorders in the fetus being conceived.

Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

Anxiety disorders

Examples are general anxiety disorders, social anxiety disorders, phobias, and panic. People who suffer from anxiety disorders are usually afraid of certain objects or situations. This can be seen from the amount of sweat that comes out, rapid heartbeat, feeling dizzy, having difficulty concentrating or sleeping, and feeling anxious and worried.

Personality Disorders

Someone with a personality disorder has a mindset, feeling, or behavior that is very different from most other people. Types of personality disorders are divided into several groups, namely:

Eccentric or strange types, such as paranoid, schizoid, schizotipal, and antisocial personality disorders.
Dramatic or emotional types, such as narcissistic, histrionic, and borderline personality disorders.
Anxious and fearful types, such as obsessive compulsive personality disorder, avoidance, and dependence.

Psychotic disorders

Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thoughts and perceptions, such as schizophrenia. The characteristics of psychotic disorders are hearing, seeing, or feeling something that does not exist (hallucinations) and believe things that did not actually happen (delusions).

Mood disorders

Do you like to feel very sad? Or just experience the alternating feelings between very sad and very happy? This includes mood disorders or affective disorders. The most common types of disorders of this disorder include depression, bipolar disorder, and cyclotymic disorders.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are a serious and often fatal disease where there is a severe disturbance in a person's eating behavior. Examples of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa (assuming that you are overweight when you are not), bulimia nervosa (eating large amounts and then ejecting for example by vomiting), and binge-eating or overeating.

Impulse control disorders and addiction

People with impulse control disorders can not resist the urge to do actions that can endanger themselves or others, for example compulsive gambling, kleptomania (stealing), and pyromania (igniting fire). While addicted to alcohol and drugs usually, but can also be addicted to certain activities such as sex or shopping.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

This chronic disorder is marked by the existence of uncontrolled thoughts and obsessions about something, thus encouraging someone to do it repeatedly. For example, having an unreasonable fear of germs to continually wash your hands.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

PTSD can develop after a person experiences a traumatic and / or terrible event, such as sexual or physical abuse, an unexpected death from a loved one, or a natural disaster. These unpleasant thoughts or memories cannot be lost and usually PTSD sufferers tend to be emotionally numb.

Mental disorders can get worse if left untreated. People with mental disorders have the potential to hurt themselves or others if their health problems are not addressed. If you or someone you know is likely to suffer from a mental disorder, immediately seek help from a psychiatrist or psychiatrist. They can check for signs of mental illness and help with treatment if needed.

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