Function of Uterus in Female Reproductive System
March 10, 2019
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Living things have various characteristics, one of which is being able to reproduce themselves or reproduce. It turns out that most women still don't know what reproductive organs are in women other than the vagina.
In humans the process of producing offspring begins with a fertilization event which later the uterus or often known as the uterus has very important roles and functions.
Uterine Function in a Women's Reproductive System
At fertilization or ejaculation, the spermatozoa travels upward through the cervix through the uterus to the fallopian tube or oviduct. Generally fertilization and pregnancy occur in the distal segment of the fallopian tube near the ovary. So that other functions of the uterus are the place of gamete ducts (spermatozoa).
2. Hold the fertilized ovum
If fertilization does not occur, the egg (ovum) will come out. But if the egg (ovum) has been fertilized by sperm, the fertilized ovum needs to be held in order to grow and develop into a fetus. With the help of the uterine fallopian the fertilized ovum is delivered to the uterus.
3. Implantation site
The next function of the uterus is as a place of implantation that occurs at the beginning of the pregnancy. Implantation itself is the state of the fertilized ovum, then the tissue around the egg cell has damaged blood vessels, so that the blood will come out and there are blood spots. This is not menstruation, but an early sign of pregnancy.
4. The place of the fetus to grow and develop
When fertilization has occurred between sperm and ovum. And the fertilized ovum will certainly need a place for the fetus to grow and develop. This is the most important uterine function. The fetus will grow and develop in women if the uterus supports fetal growth and development.
The uterine wall as a place to develop and the growth of the fetus has three layers, namely perimetrium which is the outermost layer called the uterine wall membrane, myometrium which is a very thick middle layer and rich in muscle tissue, and endometrium which is the deepest layer consisting of lots of mucus and blood vessels.
5. Shelter and Nutrition for the Fetus
The function of the uterus or uterus as well as a place to grow and develop also has other functions, namely for shelter and also provide nutrition for the fetus. The duration of the fetus in the uterus or uterus will last as long as the fetus reaches maturation, namely the condition when the fetus has undergone maturation and growth.
6. Encouraging the Fetus and the Placenta to Exit
The fetus and the placenta will come out at the time of labor. The uterus will push the fetus and placenta so it's easy to get out. In some women who give birth there are those who have difficulty removing the placenta and some are easy.
7. Controlling Bleeding
If the uterus is bleeding, the muscles of the uterus will contract to control bleeding. Bleeding that occurs in the uterus occurs during menstruation and early in pregnancy or implantation. The hormone that affects contractions in the uterus is the hormone ADH (anti-diuretic hormone).
Bleeding that occurs during menstruation and implantation is the amount of blood released and the time of discharge. Blood coming out due to less implantation compared to menstrual blood.
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