
Back Massage for Pregnant Woman

Along with weight gain during pregnancy, many expectant mothers complain about their back stiff and sore. That is why many do back massage during pregnancy to ease their complaints. In addition to relieving aching backs, back massage is also beneficial for blood circulation. But, is the back massage when pregnant safe? Find out the answers in this article.

Benefits of massage during pregnancy
Although research specifically aimed at the benefits of back massage for pregnant women is still very limited. However, several scientific studies have shown that overall massage can provide many benefits that pregnant women need, including:

Makes you sleep better
Improve mood while increasing happiness.
Reduces edema (swelling of the body cavity) by increasing circulation and the movement of fluid in the body.
Relaxing tense muscles, including the back and legs.
Relieves pain in nerves.
Lowers the level of stress hormones.
Important rules for back massage during pregnancy
Basically, back massage during pregnancy is safe. However, it's best before the massage consult your doctor first, considering the condition of each pregnancy is different.

Here are some important rules that must be considered for pregnant women before doing back massage.

1. Performed by experienced therapists

Self-massage while pregnant while pregnant can be dangerous. Make sure you do a massage with a therapist or special massage specialist who has experienced and certified pregnant women. Experienced therapists or massage specialists who are experienced pregnant women already know more about which points should be avoided, and the position that is safe for you.

2. Pay attention to the age of the womb

Reported from the page Parents according to the obstetrician from the United States Dr. Mary Rosser a safe and recommended time for massage is when your pregnancy is 12 weeks or entering the second trimester. Because, the first trimester is critical times when the fetus begins to form in the womb.

After all, in the first trimester many people complain about feeling uncomfortable because their bodies have not been able to adapt to changes in the early stages of pregnancy. That's why, let your body adapt to changes and discomfort in the first trimester. Only after entering the second trimester - when your condition and fetus are completely stable, you can do massage therapy.

3. Massage techniques that must be avoided

For pregnant women who want a massage, it's good to avoid reflexology. Because the pressure given when massaged only focuses on the legs. While some points at the ankles and calves can trigger contractions. So if you are still far from the date of labor, avoid this massage.

In addition, you should also avoid traditional massage (sorted). Because the traditional massage therapist will provide strong pressure using the tip of his thumb. Well, this kind of pressure is actually more risky to trigger pain or the transfer of blood clots to parts of the body that require smooth blood flow, especially when massaging the calves and legs. Remember, a woman's blood volume doubles during pregnancy.

4. Position when massaged

Before doing massage, make sure the massage place is arranged in such a way. Add a support pillow so you can be comfortable and relaxed. To massage the back, pelvis and buttocks, the therapist usually recommends that you be in a tilted position. As for the head, shoulders, calves, thighs, and hands, the therapist will advise you to sleep on your back or in a sitting position.

5. Say if you feel uncomfortable

Communicate with a therapist or massage expert regarding levels of pressure or strength when massaging. Mintahlah to be massaged with gentle pressure and not too hard. Immediately say if you feel uncomfortable. In essence, massage techniques in all areas of the body must be done with a gentle technique. The combination of massage movements between twisting, pressing, rubbing and rubbing, must be done slowly and in a controlled manner.

6. Use essential oils that are safe

Pay attention to essential oils or aromatherapy used during massage. Choose according to taste and ask the therapist about the safety of essential oils used during massage.

Keep in mind, always consult your obstetrician every time you want to do a massage during pregnancy. The reason is, there is not enough research that can prove that pregnancy massage is completely safe and risk free. Especially for those of you who are at high risk pregnancy.

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