
How To Last Longer in Bed For Women

The expertise of a woman in terms of multitasking also has an impact on the quality of sleep she has. The many activities that women must undergo make them often have difficulty sleeping, or commonly known as insomnia. In fact, according to Jim Horne's research quoted through lifehack.org, women need to sleep about 20 minutes more than men every night.
Professor John Horne said that 20 minutes more sleep needed by women is certainly not a sure measure. Because, some women will need extra time or less than 20 minutes. In fact, according to him, men can also need more than 20 minutes of sleep as women do if the man has a complex job and must make decisions every day. Even so, he also admitted that men's sleep needs would not be more than women.

The relationship between multitasking and the need to sleep longer

In a 2014 study conducted by Ragini Verma, it was found that the male brain had more connections in each hemisphere, while the female brain had more connections between the two hemispheres. The study also found that men can focus more on one task at a time, while women's brains are better at performing multiple functions simultaneously.
The tendency of women to do various things at one time (multitasking), it turns out can make their brains work harder and more complex than men. That's why women need 20 minutes more sleep; even though in fact, women often get poor quality sleep for various reasons, such as often waking up at night either because of the sound of a child's crying, falling objects, snoring or noise outside the house.
In fact, based on a study conducted by Duke Medical Center in 2008, which was quoted via dukemagazine.edu, it was found that women who had sleep were more or less vulnerable to feelings of anger, depression, and resentment. The less time they sleep, the more likely they are to experience psychological distress. Unfortunately, these signs do not appear in men in the study - even for those with poor sleep quality.
And finally, women at bedtime who don't get enough time to close their eyes and let their brains make efforts to recover and improve themselves. So, when their brain feels tired, thinking is generally more difficult the next day.

What are the consequences if a woman does not get enough sleep?

According to Dr. Apostolos Georgopoulos, director of the Brain Science Center at Minneapolis Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, "Women's brains are very different from men's brains; because what we find from research is that women do many different tasks, information processing takes place about five times faster than men, and uses less of their brains to do identical cognitive performance. "
That discovery might seem like good news; however, the speed and efficiency of a woman's brain turned out to make them more vulnerable to damage than a man's brain. However, a man's brain can recover faster and more complete if it is damaged compared to a woman's brain. So, to prevent such damage, the process of restoring and repairing the brain through sleep is needed.
One of the main functions of sleep is to allow the brain to make efforts to recover and improve themselves. Because, the more the brain is used to work hard during the day, the more time it takes for the brain to recover and improve itself; so the more time it takes to sleep at night. During sleep, the cortex (the part of the brain responsible for memory of the mind, language and so on) will be released from all activities and switch to recovery mode.

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