How to Get The Best Organisms
December 30, 2018
Frustrating! That's the thing that comes to mind 67 percent of women who suffer from female orgasmic disorder (FOD) or orgasm disorder according to the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
"Just like everything else, drugs should be a last resort. You have to try another way first," said Ian Kerner, PhD, author of She Comes First.
Here are five ways to increase the likelihood of women reaching climax, as quoted from Prevention, Friday (12/02/2016):
Most women say they are more likely to reach orgasm if they are above.
"This position stimulates the clitoris and you also have more control to regulate the rhythm," Dr. Kerner.
2. Stop thinking about work (or children, or bills, etc.)
If you can't relax, chances are you won't reach climax. This is indeed easier said than done. However, that doesn't mean you don't try to do it.
Start by starting the bed half an hour from your usual bedtime. This will make you more relaxed and not tired, making it easier to enjoy and dissolve in the atmosphere.
3. Get rid of disturbances in the bedroom
It would be difficult to enjoy time to make love if your room has a dual function as an office or dining room.
Try to make your room a "holy place" for you and your partner. Rooms are not a place for sleeping pets, rooms are not a place to put a desktop computer, and rooms are not the place to watch your favorite series. All of that can be transferred to the family room.
4. Look again at your warm-up
Daily activities can be another form of foreplay. You can do this by enjoying your partner's presence or trying new non-sexual activities.
Both of these will make you and your partner closer. Emotional closeness will also make you both become more "connected" on the bed.
5. Allow deeper penetration
Do you want to get a vaginal orgasm? Try this trick: place a pillow under your hips to allow the couple to enter you deeper.
Worth a try!