Don't Ignore Left-Side Headaches
November 21, 2018
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Left headache can occur due to several things. Usually the left headache can recover within a few hours and there is no need to worry. However, if the pain is intense or does not immediately disappear, you should visit a doctor for proper treatment.
Recognizing the Causes of Left Headache
The cause of left headache can be caused by various factors. One of them is lifestyle factors, which include:
- Drink alcohol
- Delay eating
- Lack of sleep
- Stressful
In addition, although not everyone feels it, certain foods can also trigger left-sided headaches, such as foods that contain preservatives, nuts, and processed meats.
There are also several other conditions that can trigger left-sided headaches, including:
Infections and allergies
Respiratory tract infections such as flu, often accompanied by fever followed by complaints of headaches. While in allergic reactions, narrowing of the airways and sinus cavities can occur, causing frequent headaches.
Trigeminal neuralgia
This nerve disorder occurs in the trigeminal nerve which functions to deliver sensations or stimuli from the face area to the brain. Trigeminal neuralgia is generally characterized by pain on one side of the face, so it can trigger a left headache.
High blood pressure
Although it does not have specific physical symptoms, high blood pressure can trigger a tight sensation in the neck, until a headache, including a left headache.
Sudden and severe headaches can be a sign of a stroke. Therefore, you need to be vigilant if you experience severe sudden headaches and you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if accompanied by weakness on one side of the body.
Concussion is usually caused by a collision or a hard blow resulting in injury to the brain. Concussion can be the cause of someone having a left headache.
Brain tumor
Brain tumors are a condition of abnormal cell growth in the brain. Tumors can cause intense headaches, appear suddenly and repeatedly, accompanied by other symptoms such as loss of vision, difficulty walking, and seizures.
The above conditions can cause several types of headaches, including migraines that feel like throbbing on one side of the head, although it may also be felt in all parts of the head, and cluster headaches, characterized by severe pain on one side of the head, pain that felt often felt until the eyes on the side of the head are sore.
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