
15 Symptoms of Pregnancy in First Month

For couples planning a pregnancy, various signs of pregnancy in the early stages are certainly very pleasant. Many women who feel pregnant at an early stage, but it turns out it's just a fake sign. Some women also cannot feel the characteristic features of pregnant people at an early stage. But whatever it is, a positive sign can be felt and clearly seen.

The following are some signs of pregnancy that occur in the first week.

Tingling in the Breast

Some women can feel tingling in the breast when entering the first week of pregnancy. In the early stages, the breasts usually begin to change because they are preparing to produce milk. This change makes the breast feel painful, heavy, and looks very soft to the touch. Some women also feel pain like strong pain from the inside of the breast. At this time the body may be experiencing the development of fertilization from a prospective fetus. But some women can accept this condition because of the side effects of birth control pills so it's difficult to feel the signs of an early pregnancy. Pain and tingling in the breast are also often a feature of upcoming menstruation and not a sign of early pregnancy. So the tingling sensation in the breast can feel strong or very weak.

The Areola Area Becomes Dark

Some women who get pregnant in the first week can also feel signs like the area of ​​the areola that is becoming darker. The areola is the outer area around the nipple. This initial sign is affected by changes in body hormones when the breast prepares to produce milk for prospective babies. Changing the color of the areola will also make it easier for the mother to breastfeed while lying down when the baby is born. But this change can also occur only a few weeks after pregnancy. So this sign can appear in the early stages of pregnancy or in the middle age.

Red spots like menstruation

Sometimes some women also get surprising signs such as red spots like in the early stages of menstruation. These red spots are different from menstrual patches because they are pink and very clean. This red patch is actually a sign that fertilization has occurred from sperm and ovum. This sign usually appears after 5-10 days after conception. When the embryo succeeds in attaching to the uterus, mild blood will come out like menstruation. Some women can get this sign and think it is menstrual as usual. But sometimes there are pregnant women who do not get this sign. This sign of red spots is different from red spots as the characteristics of children wanting to menstruate. A sense of worry about menstruation soon also because of fear due to late menstruation that is often faced by women.

Very Tired Body

The body feels very tired and makes the body as unusual when doing activities. This is a very natural sign during the first week of pregnancy. The body will feel like losing power and looking very weak. Even the body needs excessive energy to do light work. This condition occurs when the body is in the process of preparing a prospective fetus that is already attached to the uterus. The body's energy will return to normal after 12 weeks of pregnancy. At this time the placenta is usually fully formed. So pregnant women get tired easily, which is a very reasonable condition at the beginning of pregnancy until before delivery, but it can also be a sign of severe pregnancy disorders.

Nausea and Vomiting

Many women feel sudden nausea and vomiting when driving in the first week of pregnancy. In addition, nausea and vomiting can also be caused by a feeling of a very sensitive body. Nausea and vomiting are very common effects in early pregnancy. And this is a sign that is different from the symptoms of stomach ulcers because there are differences in pregnancy nausea or stomach ulcers. Although there are some pregnant women who are not nauseous during pregnancy. Changes in hormones in the body is one reason why pregnant women often experience nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Excessive nausea and vomiting can cause the body to be weak and pregnant women need hospital care. But all these stages will disappear after the pregnancy enters the second trimester. For women who are very fortunate to be able to get pregnant but not nauseous and without cravings

Frequent urination

In the first week stage a new embryo is formed and there is absolutely no pressure on the bladder. But many women who feel the symptoms of frequent urination during pregnancy feel different from the condition when the mother is not pregnant. This is because pressure on the bladder occurs when there is a stronger uterine contraction. Fertilization that occurs in the uterus makes gentle pressure on the bladder. The greater the size of the fetus, the greater the pressure on the bladder. But be aware if this is part of the symptom of a cyst in the uterus.


Constipation or difficult bowel movements during pregnancy can also occur in the first week of pregnancy. Hormone pressure in the body causes the intestine to change. This change makes the intestines work more slowly so that pregnant women will be constipated. Many pregnant women are constipated at this early stage but do not feel that this is a sign of pregnancy. If constipation continues to worsen, the mother can consume various types of foods that contain fiber. Fiber will help bowel movements even though there are hormonal changes in the body. But women also have to be careful because constipation can also be a symptom of endometriosis, a disease that is common in the female reproductive system.


Fever during pregnancy can also appear when the pregnancy enters the first week. Pregnancy causes hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women. The body's response detects a strange development in the uterus. Fever can occur in the morning and evening, or depends on the general health conditions of pregnant women. Pregnant women with weak immunity can experience a very bad fever and think that this is a common infection. Sometimes the fever will fluctuate during the two weeks of pregnancy.

Smelling becomes sensitive

Pregnancy in the first week can also increase the sense of smell. This is one trait that is never suspected by pregnant women. When you smell a strong aroma like the smell of fried fish, the smell of cooking being cooked, the stench of air or the smell of perfume, the nose becomes very sensitive. Smelling this sensitive aroma causes pregnant women to experience nausea, vomiting, headaches and even the body becomes very weak. Although not all pregnant women experience this, pregnant women can experience poor conditions due to excessive nausea. This complex condition is more often called morning sickness. There are various causes of morning sickness in pregnant women that always occur in the early trimester.

Not Menstruation

Pregnant women do not experience menstruation during the first week of pregnancy and so on. This is a sign of pregnancy that is very clear and highly anticipated by couples who are carrying out a pregnancy program. For mothers who have regular menstrual cycles, then being late for five days can be a way to detect pregnancy. But it is very difficult to recognize this sign for women who have a random menstrual cycle. Sometimes not menstruating can also be caused by stress, poor diet and various problems with the body's hormones. So this symptom is more pronounced for women with regular menstrual cycles. Irregular menstrual patterns can also be caused by the danger of injecting birth control which is the cause of irregular menstruation.

Want to eat excessively

For pregnant women who enter the first week, they can also experience the desire to overeat. Even certain types of food can be desired as an effect of cravings. The desire to consume large amounts of food differently with appetite increases in the usual days. Because some types of food desired may be foods that are less preferred on other days. But this sign also often does not appear in pregnant women so that it cannot be a sure sign of pregnancy in the first week. But if you are really pregnant, stay away from bad habits while pregnant to prevent the danger of obesity for pregnant women.

Often angry

Unstable emotions during pregnancy can occur in the first week will also be more often angry. This is because pregnant women experience physical changes, body conditions and hormones in their bodies. There are various factors that trigger pregnant women to get angry like excessive fatigue. Increased emotions will make pregnant women more sensitive so they will often be angry. Changes in hormones in the body cause pregnant women in the first week to be very sensitive to emotions. So if the mother experiences this condition and other than usual, it can be a sign of an early pregnancy. But too often anger when pregnant will increase the risk of danger often emotions when pregnant.


Normal headaches, severe headaches, severe headaches to migraines can be a sign of pregnancy in the first week. The cause of frequent dizziness during pregnancy can be due to hormonal changes in the body. Changes in this hormone cause various stresses in the body to change. But this symptom of pregnancy sometimes does not appear in pregnant women with better health conditions. While pregnant women who have a history of migraine, low blood pressure and anemia tend to develop these symptoms excessively.

Blood Pressure Declines

Signs of pregnancy the first week can also be exposed to strange symptoms such as suddenly fainting or suddenly becoming very weak. This condition is caused because blood pressure drops dramatically. There are various causes of low blood pregnant women who must be treated quickly. In addition, the heart rate becomes faster and makes the heart pump blood faster. When this happens, blood pressure will drop and make pregnant women often have headaches. If the condition gets heavier and the health of pregnant women is down, then pregnant women can faint. This is the danger of low blood pressure in pregnant women who are often characterized by pregnant women who are sleepy quickly.

Mouth is not comfortable

Some pregnant women will also experience an unpleasant condition of bad breath. The aroma and taste of the metal in the mouth will be stronger in the first week. This is due to very strong hormonal changes in the body. But according to experts until now there has been no definite cause of early pregnancy symptoms in this first week. uncomfortable mouth can appear in early pregnancy until the second trimester. If the condition gets heavier then pregnant women can experience weight loss because of not appetite.

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