
Foods Not to Eat With Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney failure should not be considered mild. Because, if you do not get proper treatment this disease will cause more serious complications. Well, one way to control it is to adopt a healthy diet. The reason is, what you consume gives a significant influence on the development of this disease. So, what are the restrictions for food for patients with chronic kidney failure? Read on to find out.

What is chronic kidney failure?

Chronic kidney failure is a condition where the kidneys are seriously damaged so that they cannot function properly. The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood from toxic waste or excess fluid in the body. Well, if the kidneys are not able to function properly, the levels of toxins and harmful fluids will accumulate in the body. This is what will give problems to your health. In fact, if not treated immediately, this damaged kidney can eventually stop functioning completely. As a result, it can be fatal and even deadly.

Chronic kidney failure usually has a slow development and does not appear until the patient shows severe symptoms that endanger his health. The cause of this disease is generally due to complications from diabetes and hypertension. You should be alert if you experience bloody urine, foamy urine, and swelling in some parts of the body. This could be a sign of chronic kidney failure. Always discuss with your doctor to get the diagnosis, treatment and treatment that is best for you.

Various dietary restrictions for patients with chronic kidney failure

Doctors will generally recommend chronic kidney failure patients to diet. This diet aims to limit certain types of food that can be consumed by patients so as not to worsen the condition of the kidneys that are already problematic. The principle of diet in patients with chronic kidney disease is to maintain levels of electrolytes, minerals, and fluids in the body remain in a balanced state. Here are some dietary restrictions that must be limited or even avoided for patients with chronic kidney failure.

1. Foods high in protein

The body needs protein as a builder and stimulator of metabolism in the body. However, for patients with chronic kidney failure, high-protein foods cause a buildup of waste products that are too large in the kidneys.

Beef, lamb, chicken, fish, egg yolks, milk and dairy foods are examples of protein-rich foods. If you have kidney disease, eating too much or too little protein can make you feel unwell. So, consume protein naturally to help reduce the workload of your kidneys rinsing waste products in your blood.

2. Foods high in phosphorus

Phosphorus minerals can help the kidneys filter out waste that is no longer needed by the body. But unfortunately, too much phosphorus in the body can actually interfere with the work of the kidneys. That is why, for those of you who have kidney disease, it is advisable to limit consumption of phosphorus so as not to burden your kidney work. Some foods that are high in phosphorus, including:

  • Dairy products such as cheese, yogurt and ice cream (you can use milk substitutes to limit phosphorus)
  • Peanut butter
  • Sardine
  • Soft drink
  • Beer

3. Foods high in salt

Too much food containing salt (sodium) will cause blood pressure to rise and produce body fluids at unsafe levels. Increased fluid production in the body will cause swelling in the ankle area. That is why, for those of you with chronic kidney failure, limit foods high in salt, such as:

  • Canned meat (bacon, ham, sausage, corned beef, and smoked fish)
  • Canned fish and scallops
  • Salted chips and salted peanuts
  • Instant noodles
  • Pickles
  • Fast food

4. Foods high in potassium

Potassium is a mineral that plays an important role in maintaining fluid balance in the body and controlling blood pressure. However, in patients with chronic kidney failure, the kidneys are unable to control excess blood potassium levels. Potassium is most commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Here are some types of fruits and vegetables that contain high potassium.

  • Potato
  • Asparagus
  • Pumpkin
  • Broccoli
  • Spinach
  • Avocado
  • Banana
  • Dried Fruit
  • Orange
  • Kiwi
  • Melon
  • Grape
  • Apricot

Basically, to ensure that any dietary restrictions for patients with chronic kidney failure, you should consult a doctor. Because the various restrictions will be adjusted to the needs of calories, weight, and the condition of the patient. In fact, if necessary the doctor can advise you to consult directly with a nutritionist.

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