
The Most Common Psychological Problem of Adolescence is

Along with the development of the nature and characteristics experienced by adolescents, they are often faced with various problems related to developmental factors. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood where adolescents today face many demands from all the risks of the very rapid development of globalization. Especially in the current era of globalization, technology still dominates all lines of life or what can be called the digital age.

The problems faced by adolescents are very closely related to environmental influences and challenges or can also be influenced by the immediate environment such as family, friends or relatives. Failure to deal with these problems can cause adolescent behavioral disorders and even cause adolescent psychological failure. Then how true psychological disorder experienced by a teenager? On this occasion, we will discuss psychological disorders of adolescents.

Adolescence is the time span for each individual to face various Stages of Personality Development that will shape the attitude and personality of the person himself. Adolescent Psychology is one of the psychological problems that is susceptible to interference. Basically, every individual will experience a phase of attitude change, but this is only a temporary change.

So be careful if the change lasts long enough because it could be an early symptom of psychological disorders in adolescents. Actually adolescents also often experience psychological disorders or commonly called mental health disorders but on a mild level such as lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, guilt and excessive anxiety, irritability and offense, hopelessness and others.

Adolescent psychological disorders in these rates are often taken lightly because the sufferer does not show strange symptoms. This teenager can still think clearly, speak and act according to norms and can also communicate normally. However, if these disorders are not resolved immediately and let them become protracted, they can also potentially become complex psychological disorders. Where adolescents who experience severe mental disorders, his personality is far from reality, his emotions are disturbed and there is no integrity in his life.

Here are some psychological disorders that often attack the soul of a teenager, including:

1. Anxiety

Anxiety is not fear, this phase is the phase where a person experiences anxious feelings that are closely related to anticipation of a danger. Anxiety is actually a common and vulnerable disease experienced by teenagers but psychiatrically and medically, anxiety can be interpreted differently. Anxiety becomes a dangerous psychjological disorder for adolescents when anxiety is very dominating themselves and turns into a very deep sense of pressure. How to Overcome Anxiety Disorder is also not easy, especially for teenagers.

Symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Mild rise in blood pressure
  • Pant
  • The skin of the red palm and its temperature sometimes changes so often it also causes acne.
  • Muscle tension and spasms
  • Diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, chest pain, excessive vigilance, insomnia, dizziness, fainting, and frequent urination.
  • Often feel scared, tense, nervous, angry, stressed, fussy, anxious, panicked, will feel dead, unable to think and often also have nightmares
  • Appear as a helpless person, always sticky and dependent on others, shy, withdrawn and experiencing difficulties in social situations.

2. Depression

The characteristics of puberty experienced by an adolescent are identical and can influence adolescents to experience depression. Depression in Psychology is a disorder of loss of common sense due to heavy pressure experienced by someone. If not handled properly in adolescents, this will often continue into adulthood.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • Unstable, easily offended and more often angry
  • Likely to experience puberty slowness
  • Lost weight
  • The emergence of suicidal behavior
  • Feeling depressed, sad, crying without cause, becoming irritated, shut up in a room, and sleeping more
  • School performance is affected
  • Desperate or avoid the reality of reality by using drugs. for example cannabis and alcohol.
  • Look pale, tired and do not radiate excitement and fitness
  • headache, stomach pain, lack of appetite, and weight loss without it
  • Want to commit suicide

Learn How to Overcome Stress and Depression to overcome and detect depression suffered early.

3. Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia in childhood and adolescence is the same as schizophrenia in adulthood. Various types of schizophrenia such as Hebefrenic Schizophrenia also become one type of psychological disorder that produces extreme pressure.

Other symptoms of schizophrenia:

  • Disturbances in the function of adaptation, delusions and hallucinations
  • Incoherence (chaotic thoughts) and catatonia
  • Failures in expected social development
  • Disappearance of some skills that have been achieved.
  • Excessive self-esteem
  • Potentially aggressive and likes violence.

4. Psychosomatic Disorders

Symptoms of psychosomatic disorders include:

  • Complaints of recurrent physical symptoms such as complaints of upset stomach pain, bloating, phlegm, nausea, vomiting
  • Complaints on the skin such as itching, burning, tingling, numbness, pain and so on.
  • Have real depression
  • More common in women

5. Misuse of drugs

It is necessary to understand the Personality Psychology Theory experienced by every human being so that adolescents do not easily fall into the misuse of narcotics (narcotics, alcohol, psychotropic, and other addictive substances). Symptoms of drug abuse in adolescents include:

  • Declining academic performance such as skipping school or leaving school, often making problems with friends, teachers or other school students, often using school fees,
  • Start stealing and like being in debt
  • Often angry, offended, rude, impatient and selfish
  • Do not pay attention to personal hygiene, dirty and shabby clothes
  • Depressed face, sluggish sleepy, less passionate
  • Starting to be indifferent, often daydreaming and declining courtesy
  • Speak slow, unclear, sometimes slurred and smoke a lot.

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