
Why Do I Sweat So Much When I Sleep

Sweating during sleep or throughout the night can be a sign that you have an illness. In fact, sweat can flow to the clothes and bed soaking wet. This condition needs to be watched out, especially if it arises even when you sleep in thin clothes, without blankets or excessive sheets and cool room atmosphere.

The condition of sweating during sleep, generally due to certain diseases or consumption of drugs. To find the cause, consult a doctor. The doctor will check your medical history and do several types of tests to ensure the disorder occurs.

Rows of Diseases that May Be Experienced

There are several diseases that cause you to sweat during sleep or even throughout the night. These diseases are:


Actual menopause is not classified as a disease, unless it occurs prematurely, is a normal phase in a woman's body related to the aging process and hormonal changes. It generally occurs in women around 50 years old, preceded by irregular menstrual symptoms during perimenopause. One sign of menopause is hot flashes, which is a sensation of heat in the body. This heat can cause sweating during sleep.


Hypoglycemia is a condition in which blood sugar levels are low, especially often in diabetics. The use of drugs to control blood sugar in diabetics, under certain conditions can cause hypoglycemia which often arises at night during sleep accompanied by a body sweating cold.


There are several infections that cause you to experience sweating during sleep or at night. Some of them are osteomyelitis (bone infection), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart), abscess, and one of the most commonly found is tuberculosis (TB) infection.


The body can sweat excessively every day, including at night and during sleep. Unfortunately the cause of excessive sweating is not known with certainty. In the world of health, this condition is called idiopathic hyperhidrosis, where the sweat glands work too actively for no apparent reason, causing the person to sweat very easily.

Hormonal disorders

Sometimes hormonal disorders also show symptoms of excessive sweating, including at night. One of the hormone disorders in question is hyperthyroidism.


Sweating at night can be an early symptom of cancer. There are several types of cancer that show these symptoms, especially types of lymphoma. However, these symptoms are usually followed by other symptoms, such as prolonged or recurrent fever and weight loss with no known cause.

Drug Consumption and Other Cause Conditions

As mentioned above, taking certain drugs can also make the body sweat while sleeping. There are various drugs that can cause the body to sweat, for example, antidepressant drugs and drugs to reduce fever such as paracetamol.

In addition, the cause of sweating during sleep can also be related to lifestyle. For example, consuming hot food or hot drinks before going to bed, and exercising before bedtime. And of course sweating during sleep can be caused by hot temperatures. To prevent this, avoid these things before bedtime.

Sweating during sleep or excessive sweating at night, it does not always indicate a disturbance, but you should keep an eye out, especially if this happens repeatedly and in a row without any apparent cause. Immediately check with your doctor to get the right information and treatment.

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