
Is Blood in Urine? Beware of Cystitis

Ever feel uncomfortable when urinating? Or even blood when urinating? Hmm, it feels like you need to be careful. Because this might indicate a health problem, such as cystitis. This cystitis is an inflammation (inflammation) in the bladder that is very disturbing.

Even so, this disorder often does not cause serious problems, because it can recover within a few days. The culprit of inflammation of the bladder is a bacterial infection.

In most cases, cystitis is more common in women than men. How come? The reason is simple. Because, the size of the female urethra (urethra) is shorter than that of men. As a result, the bacteria around the anus easily enter the bladder.

Generally, this bladder infection can occur as a reaction to certain drugs. In addition, irritation from the use of feminine cleaning spray or long-term catheter use can also cause it. Some other cases of bladder infections can also occur due to complications from other diseases.

Not Just Blood Symptoms

Symptoms of this disease are not only limited to the release of blood in the urine. Because, there are still other things that can mark the inflammation of the bladder, such as:

  • The urine color becomes cloudy and has a sharp smell.
  • Mild fever
  • The onset of pain or burning (burning sensation) when urinating.
  • The frequency of urination exceeds normal with a small amount.
  • The body feels unwell or has a fever.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. .
  • Cannot resist defecation.

For cases of cystitis in children, the symptoms are slightly different. Usually, they will experience a fever with body temperature exceeding 38 degrees Celsius, decreased appetite, frequent bedwetting, fussing, vomiting, and weakness.

Monitor the Causes and Risk Factors

As said above, this disease is triggered by bacteria. The infection occurs when bacteria that normally live in the intestine or skin, enter and multiply in the urinary tract. These bacteria can enter the urethra in various ways. Starting from having sex, the habit of wiping the anus towards Miss V, or when using a catheter.

In most cases, Escherichia coli is a bacterium that often causes this disease. This bacterial infection in the urinary tract will increase when a person experiences a disorder emptying the bladder, has diabetes, or menopause.

In addition, the risk of developing cystitis will be higher by the following factors.

  • Radiotherapy.
  • Use of chemotherapy drugs, such as cyclophosphamide or ifosfamide
  • Chemicals, such as cleansing soap, intimate areas.
  • Having certain diseases. For example, enlarged prostate, chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, and kidney stones.

Tips to Prevent Cystitis

At least, there are some simple ways you can do to avoid this disease. The steps below can also prevent recurrence of cystitis which is very disturbing. Well, here are the tips.

  • Avoid cleaning intimate organs with bath soap or sex organ cleansers that contain perfume.
  • Try wearing soft cotton underwear.
  • Get used to wipe the anus to the back, not to Miss V.
  • Don't hold back when you want to urinate. In addition, try to empty the bladder every time urinating. It would be better, to always urinate after having sex.

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