
Clear Discharge From Breast

Did you know that breast cancer is one of the second biggest causes of death in women, after cervical cancer. In America alone, according to data from the National Cancer Institute in 2016, there were about 246,660 women diagnosed with breast cancer and 2,600 in men.

Surprisingly, although many are aware of the dangers of breast cancer threatening life safety, as many as 70% of sufferers are late to take medical treatment. Even though as a woman, breasts are one of the most important aspects that deserve more attention to be taken care of.

Some things that are the causes of the high number of delays in medical treatment, among others;

  • Do not realize or detect as early as possible about the changes that occur in the body.
  • Many women are still afraid of medical terms such as biopsy, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
  • Still believe in traditional medicine, alternatives, to the paranormal.
  • Socio-economic.

5 signs or symptoms of breast cancer that you should know and be aware of.

There are hard lumps in the breast or underarm area

Sometimes many women are not aware of changes that occur in their limbs because they do not cause pain, including the appearance of lumps in the breast area. The lump will start to hurt and interfere when it has increased to an advanced stage.

The appearance of a red rash and burning sensation in the breast

Symptoms of a rash in the area of ​​the skin of the breast are often overlooked because they are considered like normal skin irritation. Even if you experience drastic changes such as the appearance of a red rash accompanied by a feeling of heat or even swelling, then you should immediately consult a specialist.

Breast nipples are pulled in

Changes in breast nipples can be a sign of breast cancer. Usually, the nipple is very sensitive to touch. However, when experiencing breast cancer, this level of sensitivity will decrease dramatically. This is because some tumors that grow and stick to the skin attract nipples and cause irritation and infection. 

Fluid or blood out

When you discharge fluid such as clear liquid or blood in a woman who is not pregnant or breastfeeding, you should be suspected of being a sign of breast cancer. If this happens to you, don't hesitate to see a specialist immediately.

Feeling pain that doesn't go away

Feeling pain in the breast may be normal, especially when menstruating or pregnant. However, of course the pain can disappear as the cycle is over. Well, the thing that you should be aware of is if the pain doesn't go away. Especially if in certain parts the intensity of pain is getting higher. It is likely that this is a sign / symptom of breast cancer that you should be aware of.

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