7 Benefits of Prenatal Yoga for Pregnant Women
March 03, 2019
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There are so many benefits that you can get from practicing prenatal yoga or pregnant yoga, but make sure if this is your first time practicing yoga and feel exhausted when you try it, don't forget to take a break between your exercises. No need to rush when practicing, because in yoga practice the most important thing is that you feel comfortable and relaxed for a moment and after practicing, so that the benefits of yoga in pregnancy will be felt.
During pregnancy, your body experiences changes that are quite drastic, both physically, hormonally and emotionally. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, relaxin, and oxytocin increase sharply and change your body. Practicing prenatal yoga can help you to be able to adapt consistently to changes in your body.
For 9 months, your lower body area will carry a heavier burden because of your baby's growth. Many yoga movements will help you stay healthy and strong, and at the same time help you relax during pregnancy.
2. Learn better breathing techniques
Why is the breathing technique very important when you are two? Practicing breathing techniques will have good effects not only on your physical but also on your mentality. During pregnancy, often hormonal changes that occur not only affect yourself physically but also make your emotions or mood rise and fall without reason. Or, you feel excessive worry and sometimes make your partner confused.
If you can breathe better, this can help you control your emotions during pregnancy. With prenatal yoga, practicing breathing techniques will also improve the quality of your breath and maximize the oxygen intake you share with the baby during pregnancy.
Not only that, in the process of birth, breathing well will help you reduce or control pain during the contraction process. The term I often use: "Breath is the best friend during childbirth"
3. Helps improve body balance and reduce back pain
Common problems that are often experienced by pregnant women are usually loss of body balance, and the growth of the baby in the womb which also often results in prolonged back pain. Many prenatal yoga movements will help the body's circulation, exercise body balance, and help stretch the waist muscles.
4. Train yourself and prepare the hip area for childbirth
Many postures in prenatal yoga are intended to help prepare the muscles in the hip area to be more flexible and flexible for the delivery process. Some postures such as squats or squats, are usually trained repeatedly to help open the pelvic and pelvic area.
Not only physical exercise, often there is also a combination of mental preparation, for example practicing ways to combine breath with posture and control pain during the contraction process. This is certainly very useful for the preparation for normal delivery.
5. Helps relaxation and train yourself to rest more easily
During pregnancy, you usually have a tendency to feel anxious all the time. Intuition as a prospective mother makes it impossible for you to stop thinking about your baby's development, preparation for childbirth, or even as easy as choosing nutritious foods. Apart from making you anxious and uncomfortable, this feeling of anxiety can cause you to have difficulty sleeping often. Not only anxiety, when entering the third trimester of your pregnancy, the difficulty of choosing a sleeping position can also be a major cause of insomnia.
Practicing prenatal yoga on a regular basis can have a big role to help you be more calm and more relaxed when anxiety suddenly arises. You can also get rid of insomnia by practicing relaxation or savasana poses that are usually trained at the end of a yoga class while listening to the usual music played in yoga classes
6. Establish deep bonds with baby
When practicing yoga pregnant, there are lots of movements that make the baby feel comfortable, and often the instructor teaches ways to communicate with the baby, such as rubbing the stomach before starting yoga and asking you to tell your baby that you and your baby will move together. This makes you feel more comfortable while practicing and also makes you more accustomed to communicating with your baby.
7. Dissemination with other pregnant women
Coming specifically to the studio and practicing prenatal yoga can be used as a venue for socialization with other pregnant women. Not only exchanging information about body changes, you can also exchange information about hospitals, obstetricians, and even the right and proper types of baby diapers to buy for your baby. You can create groups in online messaging applications and can continue by meeting routines outside the classroom. Stay healthy and active while adding new friends.
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