
Israeli Cure For Prostate Cancer

Cancer is a severe health problem with a big impact on society. The National Cancer Institute estimates show that the number of new cancer cases in the United States in 2018 is expected to reach 1,735,350 which is a surprising number. The most common cancers are breast cancer, lung and bronchial cancer, prostate cancer, colon and rectal cancer, melanoma, brain, kidney and kidney cancer, bladder cancer, thyroid cancer and liver, among others. While some of these diseases are successfully treated when caught at an early stage, healing will remove all cancer does not exist. Now, Israeli scientists claim they found one such drug, but not all experts are sure about it.

For centuries scientists have tried to find a cure for cancer. While today we have a closer insight into the causes and risk factors for various cancers and treatment options, no one has found a specific drug that can eliminate every cancer. Scientists from Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi), an Israeli biotechnology company, claiming they achieved what others did not do - they found a cure for cancer. In a statement to the Jerusalem Post, scientists revealed they believed they would offer complete cure for cancer in about a year.

Dan Aridor, a scientist at AEBi, claims the drug will be effective from the first day, will last for several weeks, and will have a minimal risk of side effects. Not only this, a potential cure for cancer will be available to patients at a price that is far more affordable compared to other treatments currently available.

In short, the potential drug for cancer that scientists named MuTaTo (multi-target toxin) functions as a cancer antibiotic, the latest disruption technology from the highest level. It focuses on using peptides that are cheaper, smaller, and easier to produce and regulate than antibodies.

Cure is not convincing
Remember that millions of people around the world have cancer every year, everyone wants to know the news that there is healing out there. Announcements from Israeli scientists are very interesting, and it seems too good to be true.

Well, according to many scientists.

First things first, they mentioned the medicine had been tested, but no findings were published. They don't reveal methods, results, anything. This is the main red warning! At the same time, many scientists call this announcement the desire of some entrepreneurs to promote themselves and explain that a single drug for all cancers might never be found.

Another reason for skepticism is that the only test carried out by Israeli scientists is in mice. Successful rat research does not always translate to humans in the same way, that is, it does not guarantee success.


Israeli scientists announced that they had found a drug that could treat and cure cancer successfully. Experts and scientists are skeptical about everything because the only study was done in mice and they did not even publish specific findings. Plus, drugs for all cancers may never be found, especially those that won't cure them quickly.

source : www.gilmorehealth.com

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