
How Allergies Affect The Body

Some people feel miserable in the rainy season. Cold weather makes it often prolonged sneezing, some suffer from itching if splashed from the ground. There are also people who feel very disturbed in the dry season.

A little sweat in the body, making the skin rash. And there was someone who was disturbed by his health not because of the weather, but every time he ate peanuts, his breath became tight and irregular.

Most likely, allergies are the cause of all this. Allergies are abnormal reactions or excessive reactions of the immune system to a substance.

Allergic manifestations do not always have to appear on the skin or respiratory tract. People with allergies can also experience swollen, red, itchy, and runny eyes. Causes All things can trigger allergies, depending on the person concerned is allergic to what. Starting from air temperatures, certain substances in the air such as dust or pollen, certain foods, soaps or substances contained in personal care products, medicines, animal hair, and so forth.

Different people, different types of allergies. Most allergies are heredity or are passed from parents to children. To ascertain what substances make you allergic, do a sensitivity test at the nearest doctor or hospital. The doctor will inject several types of allergens on the skin.

If there are reactions such as itching, rash, etc., when one type of allergen is injected, then you are allergic to these allergens or substances. Allergic reactions in the body When a person is exposed to an allergen, his body will react to produce IgE antibodies, to bind to the allergen. Antibodies attach to blood cells called mast cells. Mast cells can be found in the respiratory tract, digestive tract and other places. Mast cells will release various chemicals into the blood. The main chemical compounds produced by mast cells are histamine, which causes most symptoms of allergic reactions.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction In general, the symptoms of an allergic reaction are divided into three levels, namely:

1. Mild mild symptoms will only make you less comfortable, for example a little itchy or a little sneezing.

2. Moderate or medium intermediate symptoms are more severe than mild symptoms. Maybe you will sneeze continuously for several minutes with a stuffy nose and runny eyes. Or, itching and rashes for several hours.

3. Weight Maybe you feel very sick, even feel unable to get out of bed because of shortness of breath and great tingling.

The most severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis. If anaphylaxis occurs, allergens will cause the whole body to react to allergies which can include itching, tightness, body or swollen parts of the body, and so on. Anaphylaxis is very dangerous, because it can be life threatening. If you get symptoms that develop more severely, immediately go to an allergist or emergency department at the nearest hospital.

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