Tips for having Glowing and Healthy Skin
November 23, 2018
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Who doesn't want to have glowing skin. If you have been trying various ways, but none have succeeded, maybe these tips are useful for those of you who want to have healthy, glowing skin.
1. Eat lots of fruits high in vitamin C
Vitamin C is important to make skin glow and healthy. Vitamin C helps increase collagen production to keep skin tight and prevent wrinkles. Some fruits that are high in vitamin C are oranges, papaya, mango, and guava.
In addition, a study shows that using skin care products that contain vitamin C for 12 weeks can also help reduce wrinkles on the skin, reduce skin damage and increase collagen production.
2. Protect the skin from the sun
If you want glowing and healthy skin, don't be exposed to the sun for too long. Exposure to solar UV radiation can cause dull skin and uneven skin tones.
Therefore, always protect your skin by applying sunscreen or sunscreen which contains a minimum of SPF15 every time you leave the house. Use especially on the face and arms that are vulnerable to exposure to sunlight.
3. Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep for 7-8 hours each night helps the body to reproduce lost collagen. In addition, a smoother blood flow while you sleep also helps keep skin moist.
Therefore, the quality of your night's sleep is very important for the health of your skin. This will also avoid dark circles under your eyes. That way you will have the glowing skin that you dream of.
4. Frequent exercise
You may hear that exercise is good for your heart health. However, actually exercise is also beneficial for skin health.
Exercise improves the function of the heart to pump blood throughout the body, including the skin tissue. Skin that receives adequate oxygen and nutritional intake will look healthier, moisturized and brighter.
Sports such as jogging, walking, swimming, hiking, cycling, yoga and dancing are good exercise choices for your skin health.
5. Drink plenty of water
It is important to consume lots of fluids such as water so that your skin is kept moist and soft.
However, avoid drinking alcohol and liquor. Alcohol actually makes the skin dry and rough so it makes the face look older than you should.
6. Eat healthy
Eating lots of vegetables and fruit can prevent skin damage that can trigger the premature aging process. Skin needs a lot of good nutrition to maintain its shape and function. Vitamin B (biotin), vitamin C, and vitamin E are some of the vitamins that are very good for the skin.
In addition, you need to eat foods that contain high antioxidants to fight free radicals that cause skin aging and increase collagen in the skin.
You can get all these nutrients from healthy foods such as tomatoes, carrots, green vegetables, honey, grapes, avocados, olive oil, honey, to almonds that are rich in vitamin E.
In addition, keep your skin healthy by reducing eating foods that are high in salt, soft drinks and alcohol, and fried foods.
7. Clean the skin
Always keep your skin clean by washing your face twice a day, morning and night before going to bed, to prevent pores from being clogged with dirt and oil. Choose facial cleansing soap that suits your skin type. After washing your face, don't forget to use a moisturizer to keep the skin moist at all times.
Other facial cleansing routines will actually depend on each person. You can use a face serum, mask, or anti-aging eye cream. You can also regularly do exfoliation or facial scrubs twice a week to remove dead skin layers.
What is clear, choose a routine or product that fits your skin needs and problems.
8. Use moisturizer
Moisturizers are an important condition for you to get glowing and healthy skin. Always use moisturizer in 2-3 minutes after bathing and washing your face so that moisturizing substances can immediately trap the remaining water that enters the skin.
It is important for you to choose moisturizers according to your skin type. Even if your skin is even oily, you still need to use moisturizer. It's just that of course you have to choose a moisturizer that is good for oily skin.
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