Causes of Shortness of Breath during Pregnancy
November 01, 2018
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Having shortness of breath during pregnancy is a normal and normal thing to happen. You don't need to worry, because some cases of shortness of breath in pregnant women are not dangerous. Even so, there is also shortness of breath which can indicate serious things.
- The lungs are compressed by the uterus.
- Your body needs more oxygen because right now it's not just your breath, your baby needs it too. This can make you feel you have to breathe a lot of air by taking a deep breath.
- The hormone progesterone can increase during pregnancy. This hormone can stimulate the respiratory center in your brain. As a result the amount of air that is inhaled and thrown away when breathing is greater than when you are not pregnant, although the frequency of breathing does not change much.
- Shortness of breath can be more severe if the baby you have is still in a high position, is pregnant with twins or has abundant amniotic fluid.
However, there is also shortness of breath that is not caused by pregnancy. Shortness of breath caused by this can indicate a serious health problem. Here's the explanation:
- If you have a history of asthma, shortness of breath during pregnancy can make the condition more severe. Likewise if you have pneumonia or wet lungs.
- Shortness of breath that occurs suddenly or gets worse can indicate a serious health problem.
- Shortness of breath can also risk becoming a serious problem if caused by pulmonary embolism. During pregnancy, the process of blood clotting in the body changes. This can increase your risk of developing a pulmonary embolism (blood clot that flows into the lungs).
You are advised to see a doctor if you experience the above and if shortness of breath is accompanied by pain in or pain when breathing, rapid pulse, heart palpitations, around the lips and fingers look blue, your face looks pale, continues to cough continuously, bleeding cough or fever, difficulty breathing when lying down, fear of not getting enough oxygen, or fainting.
How to deal with shortness of breath during pregnancy
So that you are not too short of breath, it is recommended to do something without being in a hurry, for example when walking. Don't also force yourself to do many things when you are on the move. Besides this, also do the following tips:
- A body that is not fit can make you feel short of breath. So, it is recommended to do light exercise. Remember, don't do it until you're exhausted and it's hard to talk while exercising. Oia, when you exercise your baby will also get enough oxygen, you know!
- When you are short of breath, try lifting your arms above your head. This movement can lift the ribs and make you breathe more air.
- When sitting, make sure the body is upright so that the lungs can have plenty of room for air.
- When sleeping, try to sleep with your head slightly up. For that you can add an extra pillow for the headrest.
You don't need to worry too much if you experience shortness of breath or fear your baby won't get enough oxygen. Remember, while you are not experiencing shortness of breath accompanied by disturbing symptoms, feeling difficult to breathe is normal and does not endanger your baby.
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