
4 Powerful Tips to Overcome Leg Cramps When Yoga

Many people experience leg cramps during yoga. This condition usually occurs when you do certain positions intensely without warming up and stretching the muscles first. When cramps strike, your muscles experience sudden contractions so you will feel pain and the part of the body that is attacked by cramps will be difficult to move for a few seconds or minutes. Learn how to prevent and deal with leg cramps during yoga below.

Why can I experience cramps during yoga?

Cramps are muscle contractions that occur suddenly and are not realized. Muscle cramps can occur anywhere in the body. However, when exercise cramps are more common in the legs. Including when you do yoga.

Usually this condition is caused by stretching your legs that you don't normally do. Unbalanced body dehydration and electrolytes are also common factors causing muscle cramps. Especially if you do hot yoga, yoga is done in a hot room where the temperature can be up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Your body will sweat a lot and lose fluid, so the body lacks electrolytes such as sodium, calcium, and magnesium during the yoga session. This causes the muscle nerves to become sensitive and contractions occur outside your control. This theory is also supported by the incidence of muscle cramps in professional athletes which are more common in summer than other seasons.

Not only that. You may experience cramps because you deliberately don't eat before exercising, your diet is not good, or you are taking certain drugs that drain electrolytes in your body.

Overcoming leg cramps during yoga

When cramps strike, try not to panic and stay calm. Then straighten your legs and move your toes up to stretch your legs. After that, massage your feet gently or until the pain subsides. You also ask for help from friends to pull your feet towards your head. After the cramps disappear, do not immediately continue the exercise. Let your muscles rest first.

Pay attention to how often and how severe the pain appears. If the above method does not help or if the cramps get worse, immediately consult a doctor. In certain cases, cramping can be a symptom of certain medical conditions that must be treated immediately. Usually the doctor will prescribe certain medications to help relax your muscles.

Effective ways to prevent leg cramps during exercise

Here are some things you can do to prevent leg cramps during yoga:

  • Stretch your legs. Stretch before and after yoga. Stretching can make your muscles more flexible so you avoid cramps.
  • Sufficient fluid needs. One hour before yoga class, drink a large glass of water. During a yoga class, drink water when you are thirsty. Prepare a drinking bottle in an easily accessible place so you don't have to delay drinking when you feel thirsty.
  • Eat nutritious foods. Eat about one hour before doing yoga to make sure you get enough electrolyte intake. No need to eat heavy foods, eat snacks like bananas, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, smoothies, greek yogurt, or salads before exercise.
  • Use tool assistance. You can also use a small pillow or towel to support your ankles when you are in the position of a child pose (balasana) or other position that requires the top of the foot to face the floor. The use of leg braces can make your feet not swoop too long, thereby reducing the risk of cramping.

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