
Kidney Cancer Symptoms Early

The earliest common symptom of kidney cancer experienced by patients is the presence of blood in the urine. The presence of blood in urine can be noticed from the color of urine that looks more concentrated. This happens because in the urine has been mixed with red blood cells due to inflammation in the kidneys or cancer cells themselves. Bleeding urine or hematuria is usually not accompanied by pain, but if the red blood cells clot it will feel quite painful. Hematuria can begin with abdominal pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating, or even increased frequency of urination.

Another symptom of kidney cancer is persistent pain in the lower back or side of the body, right at the bottom of the rib cage. Kidney cancer patients also usually feel extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and weight.

Kidney cancer patients also have persistent high blood pressure and a high body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more. At night, kidney cancer patients also often sweat. In men, venous swelling is also seen in the testis. Some other symptoms that may be felt by patients with kidney cancer are swollen glands in the neck, bone pain and coughing up blood.

Individuals who experience these symptoms should immediately see a doctor for a test. Tests needed to diagnose kidney cancer include blood tests, urine tests and additional ultrasound examinations and biopsies.

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