
Best Acne Treatment for Adults

Best acne treatment for adults - Acne can indeed make you feel very inferior when dealing with others especially for a girl. Appearance is less than the maximum, especially when taking pictures. Especially if you must face the cynical view of the people when you break out. Therefore, acne must be completed quickly so that no longer interfere with the perfection of your appearance.
Here are the best acne treatments for adults in a natural way that you can do. In addition to more practical and easy to obtain ingredients, eliminate acne naturally also minimal side effects.

Use ice cubes

Ice cubes can be used to reduce swelling and inflammation of acne quickly. Why is that? This is caused by cold temperatures that can increase blood circulation to the affected area of ​​acne. In addition, ice cubes can also help tighten the pores, remove dirt, and oil accumulates on the skin. The most important of these is cold temperatures that are owned by ice, so you can choose either ice cube or ice chunks that have been destroyed. Ice temperatures will make the skin more relaxed and swollen pimples are more easily lost.

Rich Protein Egg White Mask

Protein content contained in eggs is very useful for acne face. Because the protein will accelerate the regeneration of new cells and stop the inflammation. Start by applying an egg white evenly on the face, especially the acne. Wait 15 minutes for the egg whites to dry before you rinse your face with warm water. For maximum results, repeat the use of masks once every 3 days.
The trick, wrap the ice with a sheet of cloth, paste & press slowly in the area of ​​acne for several seconds. Wait for a few minutes and repeat the process. You can also directly attach ice cubes without wrapping cloth if you want. However, make sure if you use hygienic ice so that no bacteria that actually aggravate acne.

Cucumber Mask

Cucumber is believed to be one of the natural ingredients that are used as some way of skin care. Cucumber has a beneficial content such as vitamins A, C, and E. Not only that, cucumber itself has a cooling and soothing effect when used on the skin.
Cucumber can also help overcome stubborn acne. Way, cut one or two fresh cucumbers into pieces. Soak cucumber pieces in water for about 1 hour. This method is useful for removing cucumber content such as vitamin A, potassium, and chlorophyll into water used for soaking. The water can be used in two ways, either for drinking or washing the face.
In addition to water immersion, cucumber can also be used as a mask. How to grind a cucumber and apply as a mask on your face. Let it dry for about 15 minutes. Wash your face with warm water while gently massaging. This method can make the shit of dirt and bacteria from the pores of the skin.

Papaya Fruit Overcome Acne and Brighten the Skin

Papaya contains various vitamins such as pro vitamin A carotenoids, beta carotene, vitamin C, B1 (Tiamina), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B5 (Pantothenic Acid), B6, B9 (folate), E, ​​and K. In fact, the vitamin C content of papaya fruit is higher than oranges and lemons. Papain enzymes in papaya can help to get rid of dead skin cells and dead proteins. Makes your skin softer, so the skin looks younger and shinier. With the content possessed, Papaya is believed to help overcome acne and remove acne scars marks on the face quickly.
Not difficult, simply by crushing pieces of raw papaya to remove papaya juice and apply on acne areas. Let stand for 10 to 15 minutes. Then, rinse face with warm water. Another way of using papaya overcome acne is to make papaya as a peeling face mask. Mash some pieces of papaya and add a little honey. Apply a mask of the blend of two ingredients on your face with acne, massage gently and leave to dry. Then, rinse with warm water while massaged back slowly.

Tomato to Disguise Acne and Used

Why Tomatoes? Tomatoes have many useful ingredients for us, both inside and outside the body. The contents include antioxidants, solanine, saponins, folic acid, malic acid, citric acid, protein and fat. Vitamin C and Vitamin A, as well as minerals and histamine. If you regularly apply tomato slices on the face, surely you will immediately feel the benefits. Not only make the skin so damp and bright, acne healing process will take place.

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