
Why Does My Skin Itch so Bad

Skin allergies can develop in minutes or gradually after several hours have passed. Although most allergic reactions are mild, serious allergic reactions can also occur suddenly. The causes can also vary, so to prevent skin allergies, it is important to recognize allergy triggers and avoid them.

In medical terms, skin allergies are called allergic contact dermatitis. Allergies can be triggered by several causes. The appearance of allergies is caused by exposure to allergens, which are foreign elements that are mistakenly considered dangerous by the immune system, so that if exposed they can cause allergic reactions.

Someone who has sensitive skin is very easy to experience allergies. Some signs that can be identified include redness, a rash, itchy and swollen skin.

Causes of Skin Allergy

There are several things that can generally cause and trigger allergic skin reactions, including:

  • Cosmetic products, such as facial makeup, lotions, deodorants, soaps, shampoos and hair dyes.
  • Cleaning products, such as floor cleaners, laundry soap, disinfectants and detergents.
  • Medications applied to the skin, such as antigatal cream or antibiotics.
  • Accessories made of metal, for example nickel or gold.
  • Plants, which can include leaves, stems, or pollen.
  • Latex, which is the material used for rubber gloves, condoms and balloons.
  • Insect sprays.
  • Perfume.

You are also at greater risk of skin allergies if you have a skin condition called eczema (eczema), inflammation of the lower limbs is caused by disturbed blood circulation, or itching in the intimate area.

An allergic reaction does not appear immediately when the body is first exposed to allergens. At the first exposure, the body's immune system will only remember and then make antibodies in reaction. If the body is exposed to the next allergic trigger, an allergic reaction will occur. The process of forming an immune reaction to an allergen takes at least 10 days.

If you already have allergies, in just minutes, patients can immediately experience skin allergy symptoms when in contact with allergens. However, new symptoms can also occur 1-2 days after exposure to allergens. In some cases, allergies can cause a fatal reaction or anaphylaxis

Although rare, we still need to be aware of allergic reactions in the form of anaphylaxis. In addition to flushing, anaphylaxis can cause shortness of breath, abdominal cramps, sudden weakness, swelling of the throat and mouth, and loss of consciousness. If not treated immediately, anaphylaxis can cause death.

How to deal with skin allergies

If you have skin allergies, find out the cause and avoid contact with allergens as much as possible. In addition, there are several tips that can reduce the risk of skin allergies.

Use calamine lotion or hydrocortisone cream
Both types of cream function to reduce itching. However, the use of drugs such as hydrocortisone cream needs to follow the doctor's recommendations.

Use clothes that are loose and soft
Tight clothing can worsen the rash on the skin. Therefore, when the body experiences itching in skin allergies, wear comfortable and loose clothing.

Wash with cold water
This method is useful for reducing rashes on the skin or can also use cold water compresses. After that, dry the skin with a clean towel then use moisturizer. Avoid bathing or soaking in hot water, because it can worsen the symptoms of skin allergies.

Allergy test
To find out someone has an allergy to certain objects or foods, an allergy test is necessary. This test is done by giving exposure to various substances in a certain amount to see the body's reaction.

Skin allergy testing is usually done if the patient has a special medical condition, such as if there is eczema. Another condition is if you feel itching or swelling and experience biduran or dermatitis that does not improve even after getting treatment. In addition, allergy testing can also be done if we have a history of food allergies, pollen, and drugs.

If you experience skin problems, it is recommended to see a dermatologist. Avoid scratching the itchy rash because it can cause infection of the skin and inhibit the healing process.

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