
What Causes You to Sweat All The Time

Sweating is normal. However, if it's excessive, it can cause problems. It is conceivable how unconfident someone is in association if the armpit area is always wet due to excessive sweat production. Unfortunately again when it smells unpleasant due to excessive sweating. This problem is a classic problem that is very often encountered. Actually, sweating is a body mechanism in an effort to release heat from the body. In general, the body will sweat when it gets hot stimuli, both from the body and the air temperature. Sweat also comes out when humans are exercising so that the heat from the body comes out.

However, the problem will be different if the production of excessive sweat and flows almost all the time. The problem that certainly arises is feeling less comfortable and decreasing self-confidence.

Excessive sweating or in the medical world is called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is caused by excessive stimulation of the nerves associated with sweat glands. Uneasy emotional conditions, such as fear, nervousness, or anxiety can cause hyperhidrosis. There is a presumption that hereditary factors play a role in causing hyperhidrosis. In patients with hyperhidrosis, sweat usually occurs in the area of ​​the hands, feet, armpits, face, and head. One thing that might be quite entertaining is that pure hyperhidrosis is only limited to overactive problems producing the sweat every time. There is no disease hiding behind conditions that are often the topic of this woman's conversation.

If hyperhidrosis is caused by an emotional condition, this condition is only a bodily reaction and will not last long. A situation that is slightly different if the whole body (not only limited to the armpit) is often flooded with sweat at night, especially when sleeping, whether the weather is hot or cold. There could be an illness as the culprit.

Usually diabetes mellitus, lung diseases such as tuberculosis, heart disease, and hyperthyroid disease which can cause hyperhidrosis. However, of course it must be accompanied by a number of other clinical symptoms such as a person often trembling, eating a lot but the body is taking care, the body temperature is higher than normal and so on. This situation can also be caused by the effects of a treatment that is being undertaken. If you do not experience any health problems other than excessive sweating, chances are that you are experiencing idiopathic hyperhidrosis, which means that the cause of your excessive sweating is unknown.

We often hear various simple efforts to deal with troubling problems for people who make a lot of social contact with other people. For example by drinking various traditional herbal ingredients, such as beluntas leaves and tamarind turmeric. Medically, the easiest and safest way to overcome the problem of excessive sweating is to make lifestyle changes that include choosing clothes. It is not recommended to wear tight clothing, made from nylon, polyester, or wool (except in cold temperatures), and also hats.

For the face, you may be able to use baby powder by spreading evenly and thinly. In addition, for hyperhidrosis caused by stress, it's good for the sufferer to learn to manage his emotions. It could also be to stop using drugs that are being used if hyperhidrosis is caused by drug use. The use of new drugs is recommended if the first method does not work. The easiest drug to use is deodorant. Deodorants can reduce sweat even though they are temporary. If the use of normal antiperspirants does not work to put the brakes on excessive sweat gland production, try using antiperspirants from the stronger group. For example, drysol or certain dry. In some people who have sensitive skin types, the active ingredients contained in them sometimes cause irritating effects on the skin.

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