
Types of Shoulder Injuries

Shoulder injury is often caused by being too tired and often occurs in tennis, badminton, throwing and swimming (internal violence). This injury is also caused by external violence due to body contact sports, for example: football, rugby and others.

Types of shoulder injuries, as follows:

Luksasio / Subluksasio from Artikulasio Humeri.

In the shoulder joint, there is frequent luxation / subluxation because it is globeida (the head of the joint that enters the joint bowl is less than half). Injuries to the shoulder joint often occur due to overuse or body contact sports, we must note that the shoulder joint is very weak, because it is globoidea which is only reinforced by the ligament and shoulder muscles.

Luxaksio signs include: missing shoulder arch; unmovable; slightly abducted upper arm; little forearm supination.

Luksaksio / Sublusaksio from Artikulasio Akromio Clavicularis.

The acromio clavicularis joint is often injured by falling or being hit on the shoulder. This injury often occurs in horsemen, rugby players or football. If this injury is limited to tearing of the acromio clavicular ligament, partial subluxation / dislocation occurs.
If the acromio clavicularis ligament and the clavicularis coraco ligament are cut off, then there is total luxation or dislocation. In the state of luxation / subluxation of this joint, we can feel the elevation of the clavicle end of the acromion higher. If the injury has lasted a long time, the swelling has occurred, the cavicular end is difficult to palpate.

Subdeltoid bursitis.

Here the shoulder joint can function with its smooth movements due to the presence of subdeltoid exchanges and this exchange can be inflamed. The mucosal bursa of the subdeltoid gives lubrication to the tendons that run on the shoulder roof. If this bursa is injured, it will swell slightly with increasing fluid sinova and in painful movements, this injury usually occurs due to a direct blow to the shoulder, for example on the body of contact sport (frozen shoulder).

Strains of Shoulder Roof Muscles (Rotator Cuff).

The term rotator cuff is used for fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the upper part of the humerus bone. This is formed by the union of the shoulder roof tendons. The four tendons are: m. supraspinalis, m. infraspinatus, m. minor teres, m. subscapularis. The shoulder injury that most often affects is the supraspinatus tendon. It usually occurs because of a sudden pull, for example: falling with a straight hand or abduction that suddenly fights a heavy load held by hand.

Signs of shoulder injury are players complaining of pain at the tip of the shoulder. If the patient raises the arm to the side after the first 45º, the patient begins to feel pain, especially after the arm is higher. But the pain diminished again after passing 120º.

Swimmer's Shoulder.

Swimmer's Shoulder, an injury that can occur in a water polo / swimming sport. Injuries that occur in swimming are very few, at most muscle spasms, sprain (ligament injuries) and strains (muscle and tendo injuries), but because water polo is a body contact sport, the chances of injury will be more.

In swimming, it is well known that there is an injury called Swimmer's Shoulder, which is pain in the shoulder area because it is overused. Shoulder pain is caused by touching / rubbing the tendons of the muscles found on the roof of the shoulder, especially the supraspinatus muscle.

Signs of Swimmer's Shoulder: Pain in the shoulder area, especially in the front or side shoulder area. Pain will arise in the movement of the back shoulder (rowing).

Therapy of shoulder injuries

Therapy performed on this shoulder injury is to do a massage (massage) with manipulatives in the form of: friction (pressing), effleurage (rubbing) using the thumb and traction (withdrawal) in the shoulder joint. Friction is carried out if the injury is swollen.

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