
Natural Remedies For Excessive Sweating

Do you have bad body odor? Bad and stinging body odors will definitely disrupt your activities. And it will also reduce your confidence besides that there are still many other negative things due to having unpleasant and stinging body odor. Actually unpleasant body odor might be a sign of your body's health being disturbed.

Suppose that you don't have the smell of unpleasant body odor, but the person closest to you? Certainly not comfortable when it is close to someone who has an unpleasant and stinging body odor. What would happen if you yourself had an unpleasant and stinging body odor without you knowing it? Yes, often we are not aware. Because we are used to our body odor, so we think it's fine. Though for others it is not good.

What causes body odor to become unpleasant and stinging? Then, how to permanently remove body odor?

The cause of body odor is sweat glands. Our body has sweat glands. Usually, sweat doesn't smell. But if the sweat sticks too long, especially for hours on the skin, this will cause body odor problems. As long as sweat sticks to the body, bacteria that are naturally present in the skin can multiply rapidly, causing body odor to become unpleasant.

The apocrine gland produces sweat that smells. Whereas sweat is produced by two important glands in the body, namely the apocrine glands and accrine glands. The accrine gland is a place for producing clear glands and has no smell since we were babies. Usually on the forehead, back and hands. Accrine glands produce sweat which is useful for lowering body temperature at certain times.

While unpleasant body odor comes from the apocrine gland. This gland is located deep in the skin. Generally, these glands are in the folds of the body, the armpits. Most are in the armpit, because the armpit has pores that are large enough to sweat. The gland secretes with bacteria which plays a role in the decay process. Because it will cause unpleasant body odor. This apocrine gland starts to become active after puberty.

Now that you know what causes bad and stinging body odor, let's just read how to get rid of bad and unpleasant body odor below.

How to naturally get rid of body odor

Maybe you feel insecure because people say that your body smells unpleasant and stinging? Don't worry and worry, there are many ways to get rid of unpleasant and stinging body odor that causes you to become insecure.

How to get rid of body odor with traditional ingredients

1. Rosemary flowers

Rosemary flowers are also one type of plant that contains essential oils that can be used as a way to remove body odor. Besides being used as an herbal ingredient, rosemary flowers can also be used as a way to effectively eliminate body odor. There are two ways to apply rosemary as a body odor remover:

  • Apply the rosemary essential oil directly to the armpit.
  • Mix the boiled water of rosemary flowers into the bathtub.
  • Then use it for bathing every day.

2. Apple vinegar

In apples there is tartar acid which can inhibit bacterial growth. Whereas in apple vinegar there is acetic acid. Acetic acid is useful as an antimicrobial.


  • Apply apple vinegar using cotton to the armpit.
  • Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse.
  • After that you take a shower.
  • Use each before taking a shower.

3. Baking soda

Usually baking soda is used as an ingredient for baking. It turns out that baking soda is also believed to be a useful deodorizer because of its ability to absorb sweat and help bacteria that cause body odor.

The trick is:

  • Mix 1 tsp of baking soda with 1 teaspoon of lime juice, then apply to the armpit.
  • Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Do it once a day regularly.

4. Guava leaves
Besides the fruit can be eaten, it turns out guava leaves can also be used as a way to eliminate body odor. Guava leaves contain mineral and anti-bacterial properties that are capable of eradicating germs that cause body odor.

The trick is:
  • Finely mash 3 guava leaves. then apply to the armpit.
  • Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

5. Betel leaves

Betel leaf has a high antioxidant content and is effective for dealing with health problems. Betel leaves are believed to be able to cure various diseases because of the many useful substances in them. Namely: niacin, Vitamin C, carotene, thiamine and riboflavin. Betel leaf can be used as an effective way to get rid of body odor and excessive sweating quickly.

To get rid of body odor using betel leaves, how to:
Take a few betel leaves, then boil with 2 cups of water
Then mix in the water bath you use for bathing.
Then take a bath using the cooking water.
Do this regularly, so your body odor will disappear soon.

6. Lime

In addition to kaffir lime fruit which has many health benefits. Lime also has many benefits. Lime contains a lot of flavonoids and vitamin C. It also contains: fiber, calories, calcium, macronutrients, copper, potassium, citric acid and iron. You can try this fruit as a solution and how to get rid of body odor with lime.

How to apply lime as a body odor remover:
  • Cut the lime into 2 parts.
  • Apply it to your armpit, just like applying deodorant to your armpit.

7. Cucumber

Cucumber contains 95 percent water content. There are also many substances, namely: zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, B-6, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, vitamin A, potassium and manganese.

  • You only need to use cucumbers as a mask on the armpits.
  • Use twice a week regularly.

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