
How to Get Rid of Bad Body Odor Naturally

How to remove underarm odor naturally is often sought by many people because people who have bad armpits will have reduced self-confidence. That is because an underarm odor can reduce a person's appearance. People who have an armpit smell like being exiled from association because they are close to the owner of the armpit smell will feel disturbed by the smell of his armpits. Indeed armpits often experience a variety of problems, ranging from black armpits, smells and armpits as a source of health problems. For example, there is a lump in the armpit, one of the causes of a lump in the armpit is a breast tumor whether it's malignant or benign. Not only that, women and men should pay attention to the dangers of removing armpit hair for health.

How to Permanently Eliminate Armpit Smell

There are various ways you can effectively remove the underarm odor that you have. The following are various ways you can do to remove underarm odor:

Routine Consuming Mineral Water

The first thing you can do to eliminate the smell of armpits that you have by consuming mineral water regularly. Mineral water is very good for body health, especially in getting rid of various kinds of poisons that are in your body. The toxin will then be discarded along with urine output. Toxins that exist in the human body also become one of the causes of the armpit to smell.

Choosing the Right Clothing

Choosing the right clothes is one way that can be used to eliminate the smell of armpits that you have. Choosing clothes that are not right can stimulate the body to sweat excessively. Choose clothes that can absorb sweat well. Likewise with the underwear you will use. Clothing that you must use to remove underarm odor is clothing made of cotton. If you use clothes and underwear from nylon, you will trigger excessive sweating.

Avoid Tight Clothes

Not only is the choice of clothing material tight but clothes that are too tight can trigger a smelly armpit. The reason is that tight clothing will suppress certain body parts, especially in the armpit. Armpits under stress can cause excessive sweating. Excessive and moist sweat will trigger bacterial growth. So that it can cause smelly armpits.

Wear Deodorant

To anticipate sweat that smells and excess you can use deodorant. Deodorant is believed by many to be used to deal with body odor and underarm odor. The workings of deodorants that can be used to clog pores can be used to replace sweat. Avoiding excessive sweating can prevent the proliferation of bacteria so that the sweat in the armpit will not smell. Behind the benefits there are dangers of deodorants that are hidden and unknown to the wider audience. One danger is that it can make the underarm skin black. For skin that does not match the content in the deodorant, it can cause irritation, especially for sensitive skin.

Ideal weight

To eliminate underarm odor is to avoid excessive sweating. Unfortunately people who are overweight and obese tend to have excessive sweating. That is because in obese people there are many sweat glands that can produce a lot of sweat in the body. To get rid of body odor and eliminate smelly armpits is to have an ideal body weight. Your ideal body weight can be achieved with regular exercise.


During this time the lime does not need to be doubted. Lime is useful in terms of beauty and health. How to remove underarm odor using lime is also very easy, as follows:

  • Cut the lime in half.
  • Take half of the lemon.
  • Rub half the lemon into your right armpit.
  • Take the other half of the lime, then rub the lime into your left armpit.
  • Lift your hands behind you and hold for 5 minutes. Let the lime juice dry. Do it on your armpits.

Maintain the cleanliness of the body

All the methods that you will try will not succeed if your awareness in maintaining a little body hygiene. That is because a dirty body is a place for bacterial growth and proliferation. The body that is used as a place for bacterial growth is the armpit.

How to keep your body clean is to take a bath twice a day. Without bathing twice a day the body will smell especially in the armpit. This bath not only functions as a body odor remover and only underarm odor, but a shower is believed to be used as a skin lightener because it is removed from the dirt and dead cells in the skin. Proper bathing is using antiseptic soap. That is because soap containing antiseptics can function as a killer of bacteria and germs that are in the body. Although bathing has many benefits, there are hidden dangers associated with bathing.


One natural ingredient that can be used to eliminate body odor naturally is alum. After bathing you can use alum to gently cleanse and rub your underarm skin. This alum can be used after the armpit is soaped and rinsed using clean water. The function of this alum is to prevent the armpit from excessive sweating. If sweat is not excessive, the growth of germs and bacteria can be avoided. You don't need to doubt the efficacy of this alum, many people have proven that alum is effective in removing underarm odor.

White vinegar

To get rid of body odor naturally you can use white vinegar. White vinegar is natural vinegar without any additional juice in it. How to use it is very easy, too:
  • Put four to five drops of white vinegar on white cotton.
  • Apply to one of your armpits. Wait to dry.
  • Do the same way with the other armpit.
  • After using and applying white vinegar, avoid using deodorant because the content in white vinegar will collide with deodorant content.


Radish vegetable is a vegetable that looks like a carrot but is white, besides it tastes different from carrots. Radish has a slightly spicy taste. How to remove underarm odor using radishes is as follows:
  • Blend the radish until it's really soft.
  • Apply the mashed radish to your armpit.
  • Massage the armpit that has been smeared with radish for three minutes.
  • Wash with water. It will be more effective if you wash using warm water.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is not only useful in making cakes, but baking soda has many other benefits. For example, to whiten teeth, blacken hair and of course to eliminate underarm odor. How to remove underarm odor by using baking soda is the following:
  • Mix one tablespoon of baking soda with a little water.
  • Stir both ingredients until they are evenly mixed and form like pasta.
  • Apply the baking soda paste to one of your armpits, gently massage your armpit.
  • Let stand for 5 minutes. Do the same for your other armpit.
  • Rinse using warm water until it is completely clean.


Removing underarm odors can be by using a cucumber. During this time the cucumber is believed to be useful for health and beauty. The efficacy of cucumber for beauty is to reduce the oil content in the face. In addition, cucumbers can be used for armpit deodorizing. To eliminate underarm odor using cucumbers is very easy, as follows:
  • Peel the cucumber skin, then cut the box.
  • Apply the cucumber to your armpit after leaving it for 5 minutes.
  • Wipe using a clean cloth.


During this time ginger is also known in health. For beauty and health, ginger can function as an armpit deodorizer. There are essential oils in ginger which are beneficial for health and beauty. Drinking drinks containing ginger can also be used to warm the body. How to remove underarm odor using ginger is as follows:
  • Prepare enough ginger rhizome.
  • Burn the ginger until the aroma of ginger comes out.
  • Ginger orchid so it is more flat.
  • Make ginger the base ingredient for making warm ginger drinks.
  • If you do not like the ginger drink, you can grate the ginger and then distribute it to the armpit. Massage gently and smoothly. Do it regularly and painstakingly, feel the results.
Beluntas leaves

To get rid of underarm odor, you can use beluntas leaves. Inside the beluntas leaves there is an ingredient that can be used as an armpit deodorizer. The trick is to consume beluntas leaves boiled water, making it fresh vegetables or you can cook it according to your taste. To consume it, don't overdo it. Also consuming it regularly every day. By consuming it regularly you can get permanent results. Beluntas leaves can be used as natural medicine as an armpit deodorizer.

Bunga Kecombrang

To overcome body odor, you can use kecombrang flowers. Kecombrang flowers for Sundanese people are often used as vegetables or just a mixture in pecel food. Kecombrang flowers and leaves are also often used as making rujak to commemorate 7 months.

To eliminate underarm odor by using kecombrang flowers you can consume them and make them as fresh vegetables or made as pecel. For those who do not like the taste of the kecombrang flower, you can pound the flower until soft, then rub it into the armpit and massage it slowly. After that, rinse with warm water.

Water Betel Leaf Decoction

Another way to get rid of sweat is to use boiled betel leaf water. Sriih leaves boiled water is beneficial for health and beauty. The benefits of betel leaf which is known is that it can be used as a medicine for toothache, body odor remover, underarm odor remover, unpleasant vaginal odor remover, as a way to treat vaginal discharge and many others. To eliminate the smell of underarms and body odor using betel leaves is very easy, namely as follows:
  • Take 30 betel leaves to clean the betel leaves.
  • Boil using four glasses of water and boil until boiling.
  • Cool the boiled betel leaf water to warm.
  • Use the still warm betel leaves to boil the armpit, then rinse with clean water.
  • Decoction of betel leaves can be useful in killing germs and bacteria in the armpit. Germs and bacteria that can later cause sweat to smell.
Basil leave

Who is not familiar with this one leaf. This one leaf will be easily found when you eat catfish pecel or various kinds of processed meat and fish in food stalls. Basil leaves are often used as vegetables. It turns out that behind the fragrant leaves, basil leaves have benefits for health, namely to eliminate body odor and underarm odor.

How to remove underarm odor using basil leaves is to make it fresh or cooked to taste. For those who want to make it fresh vegetables try to wash the basil leaves clean. For those who do not like the taste of basil leaves, you can smooth the basil leaves to become smooth porridge, then apply them to your armpits. Gently massage and soften your armpit. Let stand for 10 minutes, rinse using warm water.

Cloves have a fragrant and fragrant smell. The clove aroma is favored by colonizing nations that used to colonize Indonesia. Clove is the most sought-after spice by the invaders. The fragrant and tempting cloves are often used as ingredients and baking ingredients. Aside from being a flavoring dish, drinking clove cooking water that is still warm is useful to warm the body and is useful for removing underarm odor. How to remove underarm odor using cloves is very easy, as follows:
  • Take 5 grams of cloves.
  • Soak using boiled water.
  • You can add this clove soaking sugar to add flavor. For those who don't like the taste, you can use clove soaking water to be distributed to your armpits.

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