Causes of Hemorrhoids After Childbirth
February 27, 2019
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Experiencing hemorrhoids is a complaint of women that usually occurs both during and after giving birth. This condition makes the area around the rectum uncomfortable.
Then what causes the appearance of hemorrhoids, especially after undergoing labor? Let's explore one by one here.
Increased progesterone hormone. The high production of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy can slow down the intestinal tract, then constipation occurs. Even so, constipation can also be caused by consumption of iron from the content of supplements or vitamins of pregnant women. Well, constipation can trigger you to push during bowel movements and eventually cause the appearance of hemorrhoids.
The hormone progesterone can also make blood vessel walls relax. This allows blood vessels to become easier to swell so hemorrhoids appear.
Blood vessels are depressed. When pregnant your body can become more susceptible to hemorrhoids. That happens due to the pressure of the blood vessels around the pelvis by increasing your uterus.
In addition, the pressure can also afflict large blood vessels on the right side of the body that are in charge of receiving blood flow from the lower limbs. This pressure can slow the return of blood from the lower half of your body. This condition can increase the pressure on the blood vessels under the uterus and can cause the vessels to swell and hemorrhoids appear.
The process of straining during childbirth. In this process you struggle to get the baby out of your womb by pushing. Well, this very strong pushing process is likely to cause hemorrhoids.
You are more at risk of having hemorrhoids after giving birth if you have them during pregnancy. Even so, this condition can also lurk anyone. The same thing applies if you have hemorrhoids before becoming pregnant.
How to Overcome the Right Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids can actually disappear on their own, but it is still advisable to apply ways that can speed up the healing process. Here's the explanation:
- Applying a healthy diet to avoid constipation, such as eating lots of high-fiber foods and drinking lots of water.
- If a feeling of wanting to defecate appears, it is recommended to immediately rush to the toilet. The longer you hold it, the fecal texture becomes more dry and hard, making it harder to remove. Such fecal conditions trigger you to push too hard.
- The busyness of taking care of babies might make you not have time to exercise. Even so, don't forget to always take the time to exercise. It doesn't need to be long or heavy, just walking fast in the afternoon a few minutes is enough.
- Perform Kegel exercises regularly because this activity can increase circulation around the anus and tighten the muscles.
- Ask for fiber supplements, stool-thinning drugs or topical medications containing hydrocortisone from your doctor.
- Maintain cleanliness and moisture in the area around the rectum.
While waiting for the healing process, discomfort from experiencing hemorrhoids will still be felt. Well, to relieve this, you can compress a painful area with ice wrapped in a towel or cloth for several times a day. You can also soak in warm water or take medication acetaminophen or ibuprofen which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Avoid sitting or standing too long.
If you experience severe bleeding or pain in the rectum is increasingly unbearable, immediately consult your doctor to get the right treatment.
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