
What Types of Strokes Are There

Now strokes are a frightening disease for society, national development, modernization and globalization actually increase the risk of stroke due to changes in people's lifestyle. Stroke itself is a disease that occurs suddenly when we rest or when we are on the move. Recognizing symptoms of stroke as early as possible and bringing the patient to the hospital as soon as possible is very beneficial for the recovery and survival of patients.

Stroke is divided into 2 types, namely:

Stroke bleeding (hemorrhagic stroke)
A brain function disorder caused by rupture of blood vessels causing a lack of blood intake, nutrition, oxygen for the brain. If patients who experience a bleeding stroke are not immediately taken to the hospital it can be fatal.

Blockage stroke (non hemorrhagic stroke)
Blockage of blood vessels that provide blood flow to the brain can cause strokes, if left too long without medical help, brain damage can become more widespread and difficult to recover from the initial state.

Some symptoms of stroke that are easily detected:

  • Patients suddenly lose consciousness without any apparent reason
  • Talk about sudden pelo
  • Mouth rotating
  • Sudden weakness of the feet and hands, numbness in the hands, feet or face
  • Gag
  • Headache
  • Sudden vision is interrupted

Investigation is very necessary to diagnose stroke is CT-SCAN, a tool that can directly distinguish the type of stroke and the location of blood vessels that are blocked or broken.

Someone who can survive or recover from a stroke has a very big risk of experiencing a stroke again, so prevention in the form of minimizing risk factors, especially changing a bad lifestyle into a healthy lifestyle (for example: reduce smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, eat less foods that contain cholesterol, multiply physical activity) are needed. Family members in stroke play an important role in controlling these risk factors.

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