
Natural Stomach Acid Medication

When stomach acid rises, the walls of the esophagus will even inflamed wounds. Usually, this will make you feel a hot sensation in the pit of the stomach to pain in the stomach. Of course you don't want this condition to ruin the plan all day, right? In addition to medication from a doctor, you can also rely on natural stomach acid drugs that are powerful enough to help reduce pain.

Choice of natural gastric acid drugs

In addition to drugs from doctors or over-the-counter drugs, stomach acid can be overcome by using herbal medicines or natural remedies. Some people find herbal medicines and other natural remedies to help treat stomach acid and increase symptoms.

Here are some examples of natural stomach acid drugs.

1. Chamomile tea

A cup of chamomile tea has a calming effect on the digestive tract. Before going to bed, try a cup of chamomile tea, which can help soothe stomach inflammation and help you sleep better.

2. Ginger

Ginger has a gastroprotective effect by preventing acid and the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. These bacteria are stomach bacteria that usually live in acidic conditions. The presence of these bacteria can worsen your condition.

Add two or three pieces of fresh ginger to a cup of hot water. Leave for about half an hour. Then, drink about 20 minutes or more before eating.

3. Aloe vera

Aloe vera plants are known as natural healers and also care for digestive disorders. Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation, which can relieve symptoms of acid reflux, such as increased stomach acid.

Drink about half a cup of aloe juice before meals.

4. Licorice

Licorice is the root of Glycyrrhiza glabra. Licorice, also known as liquorice or liquorice, has proven effective as an acid reflux drug. Licorice can increase the mucosal lining of the esophageal layer, which helps it resist the irritating effects of stomach acid.

5. Other herbal medicines

Although there is not enough research that discusses herbal medicines to deal with rising stomach acid. However, there are several other natural ingredients that have benefits as stomach acid drugs.

Other stomach acid herbal medicines such as peppermint, angelica, cumin, and celandine.

It should be noted that herbal medicines have not been proven safe and effective for consumption. Therefore, still consult your complaint to the doctor to get the right treatment.

In addition, do various things to reduce gastric acid, which is to do a healthy lifestyle such as avoiding foods that trigger increased stomach acid, avoid stress, regular exercise and not lying down after eating.

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