
Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is a problem that occurs in digestion when someone consumes foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a type of protein found in whole grains, barley, black rice, and triticale. This disease is an autoimmune condition in which the body misidentifies the compounds contained in gluten as a threat to the body.

If you have celiac disease then you eat foods that contain gluten, it triggers an abnormal immune response. This damage occurs in the inside of the small intestine so that the small intestine cannot perform its function properly in terms of absorbing nutrients from food.

Celiac disease needs to be treated, because celiac disease can:
  • Causes anemia
  • Causes osteoporosis
  • Increases the risk of lymphoma
In children, celiac disease can slow growth and weaken bones. If not treated, your child can get very serious problems. Call your doctor if your child loses a lot of weight, diarrhea, or feels weak for days without reason.

Causes of Celiac Disease

Doctors don't really know what causes this disease. However, if you have certain genes from this disease, you have the chance to get this disease.

Because gluten is a threat, the body's immune system produces antibodies. These antibody substances will make fine hairs (villi) on the intestinal surface become damaged, so that the process of absorption of nutrients from food becomes imperfect.

In addition to hereditary factors, celiac disease can also occur if someone has had an infection of the digestive system, such as a rotavirus infection. Not only that, some diseases such as type 1 diabetes, ulcerative colitis, nervous disorders, down syndrome, Turner's syndrome, Sjorgen's syndrome, and autoimmune diseases can increase the risk of developing celiac disease.

Symptoms of Celiac Disease

The most common symptom felt by people with celiac disease is diarrhea. This happens because the digestive system's inability to absorb nutrients from food perfectly. Other symptoms that you must recognize are:
  • Flatulence and excessive gas production
  • Changes in bowel movements
  • Weight loss
  • Often tired
  • Gag
  • Swelling of the hands, soles of the feet, arms and legs, caused by accumulation of fluid in the body tissues
  • Damage to bone density
  • Damage to the tooth layer
  • Rashes on itchy skin and blisters (dermatitis herpetiformis)
  • Pain in the joint

Diagnosis of Celiac Disease

To diagnose celiac disease the doctor will usually evaluate the symptoms and do a physical examination. A common test that is usually done is to do a blood test to see if you have certain antibodies that are useful to fight this disease.

In addition, you may also undergo endoscopy. In this test, the doctor uses a tube with a camera to see the inside of the small intestine. Not only that, doctors can also do biopsies, which are taking small samples of tissue to be tested in the laboratory.

After the diagnosis of celiac disease is over, the doctor may do more tests, such as a blood test to check for anemia. You might also have a bone density test. This test will help the doctor to find out if you have other problems, such as osteoporosis, which can occur when you have celiac disease.

Treatment of Celiac Disease

To maintain good body condition, you need to avoid all foods that contain gluten and wheat. Consult with nutritionists to apply the right diet, so you can determine what foods are good for the body.

A gluten-free diet program can eliminate itchy rashes (dermatitis herpetiformis) from the skin of the patient, plus the administration of medicines. In general, doctors will prescribe steroid drugs to relieve inflammation of the small intestine. So, what food can you eat?

You can still eat eggs, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. In addition, you can also eat foods made with corn flour, spinach, beans, flax, millet, potatoes, rice, sorghum, and soybeans.

Many people revealed that within 2 weeks away from foods containing gluten, the symptoms caused by celiac disease decreased. In addition, you also need to limit your intake of cow's milk and foods made from cow's milk.

Some foods labeled 'wheat free' may still contain gluten. Gluten can be found outside of foods such as drugs, vitamins and lipstick. Therefore, be sure to read labels carefully. To note, if in a food composition there are words "Modified food starch" and "Hydrolyzed vegetable protein", meaning that food contains gluten.

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