
Easy Tips for Brightening Armpit Skin

Seamless armpit is the dream of almost all women. However, what happens if the smooth, hairless armpit has a blackish and dull color? Wow, this is certainly disturbing friend. Because, blackening the armpit skin can be due to the method used to remove hair in the armpit is wrong. Here are tips to easily lighten the armpit skin for you.

Lemon and lime, which are rich in vitamin C, have long been believed to brighten skin, friend? Well apparently, this also applies to the underarm skin. It's just that, Friends must be extra careful and ensure that the dullness of the armpit skin is not due to skin irritation due to shaving. How to use it is also quite easy, friends only need to bind the underarm skin with lemon or lime juice and let stand for a moment. Lemon and lime juice can also be replaced with lemon or lime peels. Make sure your friends use it gently, huh.

Milk and yogurt can also be a solution to brighten your armpit skin. Not only brightening, they are also useful for maintaining skin elasticity and softness of the skin. So that besides being brighter, your skin will also feel softer and younger.

Turmeric and cucumber. Now for friends who have dull underarm skin problems due to irritation, a combination of turmeric and cucumber can be the right solution to brighten dull armpit skin. Turmeric can help reduce the irritation of the cause of blackened armpits while the cucumber will give a fresh effect and whiten the skin. Grate the cucumber and mix it with turmeric and apply it to your armpit skin.

To maintain the brightness of the armpit skin, friends must also ensure that the underarm skin is always clean. Armpits are in the folds of the hands that are easily dirty due to dust and sweat. Therefore, cleanliness must also be extra guarded.

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