Causes of Tight Stomach During Pregnancy
March 08, 2019
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Fast stomach during pregnancy is a common complaint felt by pregnant women. This often causes concern, especially for those who are pregnant for the first time. Here are some of the causes of tight stomach during pregnancy.
Calculate Pregnancy Time
One of the important things to note about tight stomach when pregnant is when the tight sensation arises. Fast stomach when young pregnancy is normal because the growth of the uterus pushes the abdominal muscles so that it feels tight. One sign is pain below the navel to the groin (round ligament pain).
In older pregnancies, a tight stomach during pregnancy can also be caused by the movement of the baby in the stomach. In addition, the presence of excess gas in the stomach or flatulence can also be a cause of a strong stomach.
In addition to the above causes, contractions are also a common cause and must be watched out, because contractions should occur before labor.
Recognizing the Type of Contraction
Generally, pregnant women feel a contraction in the middle part of the stomach down. Contractions themselves are divided into two types, namely false contractions and actual contractions that indicate labor.
Fake contractions
The medical world calls false contractions as Braxton Hicks contractions. This contraction occurs in an intermittent fashion from the time of pregnancy into the third trimester, but some have started since.
As pregnancy progresses, contractions of this type are likely to be experienced frequently. But the occurrence of false contractions is difficult to predict because the pattern of irregular contractions is a feature of this contraction.
Although fake contractions basically cause no pain, pregnant women still need to be vigilant. In some cases, this type of contraction is very difficult to distinguish from the signs of preterm birth.
Other characteristics of false contractions are not worsening when carried on, contractions do not get stronger, and occur in a short time. this condition is considered normal in pregnant women, so you don't need to worry too much.
If these fake contractions make you uncomfortable, there are a few simple things you can do to reduce them. Sleep or rest by changing positions is one effective way to free pregnant women from false contractions. Relaxing with a warm bath or listening to music can also relieve this disorder. Move more slowly and refute your stomach when standing to prevent false contractions.
Labor contractions
This type of contraction is a sign of labor. A common feature of contractions that is usually felt by pregnant women before labor is pain in the back and lower abdomen accompanied by pressure on the pelvis. Some of the pregnant women describe these contractions as menstrual pain but are stronger.
In contrast to false contractions, labor contractions will remain even if the pregnant woman changes position, rests, or relaxes. A labor contraction will come with a regular pause and lasts between half and a minute. The pause time will be shorter before labor. The strength of labor contractions will also get stronger.
Although this contraction continues until labor arrives, there are several ways that pregnant women can do to reduce the pain caused. For example, by watching TV to distract and relax.
Soaking in warm water with your doctor's permission can also be a way to calm yourself when contracting. Save energy to facilitate the labor process by taking a nap.
Hopefully by knowing things related to tight stomach during pregnancy above can help you relax more during pregnancy. If strong stomach complaints do not feel better, or if accompanied by other symptoms, such as blood or fluid coming out of the vagina, pain that is felt very strong, or the movement of the baby is felt reduced, immediately consult a doctor.
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