8 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast
March 22, 2019
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You and your partner want to quickly have a baby? Some couples may get pregnant quickly while others may need more time and more persistent effort. If you are one of them, don't get discouraged. Come on, take a look at the following powerful tips so that your pregnant program can run optimally.
Here are some tips on pregnant programs that you can follow together with your partner so you don't have to wait too long to get a baby.
1. Check the health condition first
Before you and your partner officially start a pregnancy program, you should check each health condition first. Health tests for pregnant programs that are usually recommended by doctors include blood tests, blood sugar levels, thyroid function, pap smears, and so on.
This examination is important so that the doctor knows whether there are any abnormalities or health problems that you and your partner have. If you and your partner actually carry certain genetic diseases, the risks in pregnancy and babies can be avoided early.
Remember, the sooner your problem is known, the faster the doctor can treat your condition. That way, your opportunity to quickly get a baby is also getting bigger.
Don't forget to also ask your doctor about drugs or vitamins that are safe for pregnancy preparation.
2. Find out your fertility period
If the egg is released when the woman's fertile period is successfully fertilized by sperm, then the woman will potentially get pregnant. However, if the egg is not fertilized by sperm, the egg will die and menstruation will occur.
To calculate the fertile period, you must first know the times when menstruation occurs. Make and note on the menstrual calendar to find out the estimated period and calculate the fertility period.
For women who have regular menstrual cycles, you may not have difficulty knowing your fertility period. Another story for those of you who have irregular menstrual cycles. The reason is, you might find it more difficult to be able to detect when your body will release eggs every month.
3. Make an intimate relationship at the right time
After knowing when the fertile period, do intimate relationships with your partner. You can have sexual intercourse 1 or 3 days before the egg is released.
You can also have sex 12 to 24 hours after ovulation occurs. Having sex at these times is believed to be a fast way to get pregnant which is quite effective, even the chance of success in the fertilization process will be even greater.
It is important to know that sperm can only survive for at least 3 days after being released. While the egg can only survive one day after the ovary has been successfully released. Well, therefore, make the best use of the fertile period of women so that the pregnancy program is successfully carried out.
4. Frequent sex
Tips for other successful pregnancy programs are frequent sexual intercourse. There is no term too much sexual intercourse if you want to get pregnant quickly. While you already know when your fertility and your condition as a whole, having sex more than once is certainly very permissible.
But remember, you should not have excessive intercourse. Excessive here is when you and your partner are too fierce for each other to have sex. Instead of wanting to have a baby fast, it actually makes your body tired and stressed. If this is the case, sexual activity does not work optimally.
Ideally, do intimate relationships two to three times a week.
5. Determine a comfortable sex position
There are still many people who believe that there are certain sex positions that can increase the chances of getting pregnant. In fact, until now there has been no scientific evidence that actually says that certain sex positions can make pregnant quickly.
Basically, all sex positions are good, provided you and your partner feel comfortable doing it.
6. Pay attention to daily food intake
Applying a healthy diet is not only good for your overall health, but also as a key to the success of your pregnancy program. Yes, when you and your partner are ready to do a pregnant program. preferably slowly but surely change your diet to be healthier.
This can be started by noticing the food you consume everyday. Choose foods that are high in nutrition, especially those that contain lots of folic acid, iron, and calcium. Remember, proper nutrition can help prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy.
Avoid eating sweet, too salty and high-fat foods. Also note how to process the food you consume. You can process healthier foods by sautéing, boiling, steaming, or baking.
Also, avoid taking pregnancy supplements arbitrarily. Always consult your obstetrician first before taking pregnancy supplements.
7. Exercise routine
Body fitness is also important to note because it also greatly determines the chances of the success of the pregnancy program. Not having to exercise with high intensity, you can do any sport that you like. The key is one, make yourself move every day.
To be more enthusiastic, invite your partner to exercise together. In addition to maintaining fitness, joint physical activity can bring you closer together because of the growing sense of mutual support.
Before starting a particular exercise or exercise, you should first discuss with your doctor about your physical condition and needs. Because the body of each person is different, so the type of sport and the rules are certainly not the same between one person and another.
8. Stop smoking
Smoking is one of the reasons a person is infertile or even barren. Well, therefore, if you want this pregnancy program to run successfully, it's good to start quitting smoking now.
Not easy indeed. However, that does not mean that this cannot be done, right? Remember the little one that you and your partner want. Beat your ego and round up the determination to quit smoking right now.
Ask your partner to remind and encourage when you start being tempted to smoke again. Slowly reduce your smoking frequency. From one stem a day, it doesn't smoke at all.
In addition to quitting smoking, you and your partner are also advised to reduce alcohol consumption. Research shows that consuming alcohol every day can reduce testosterone levels and sperm counts, and can increase abnormal sperm counts.
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