
Is Aids A Disease or Virus

AIDS is disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV that enters the body destroys CD4 cells. CD4 cells are part of white blood cells that fight infection. The fewer CD4 cells in the body, the weaker a person's immune system is.

HIV transmission occurs when blood, sperm, or vaginal fluid from an infected person enters another person's body. This can occur in various ways, including:

  • Sex. HIV infection can occur through sex either through the vagina or rectum (anal). Although very rare, HIV can also be transmitted through oral sex. However, transmission through oral sex will only occur if there is an open wound in the patient's mouth, such as bleeding gums or canker sores.
  • Sharing syringes. Sharing the use of needles with people with HIV, is one way that can make someone infected with HIV. For example, using a syringe together when making tattoos, or when using injections.
  • Blood transfusion. HIV transmission can occur when someone receives a blood donor from an HIV sufferer.

Apart from the various methods above, HIV can also be transmitted from pregnant women to the fetus they contain. The HIV virus can also be transmitted in the process of childbirth, or through breast milk during the breastfeeding process.

Keep in mind, HIV does not spread through skin contact such as shaking hands or hugging people with HIV. Transmission also does not occur through saliva, unless the patient has thrush, bleeding gums, or open sores in the mouth.

Risk Factors for AIDS

HIV can infect all people of all ages. However, the risk of acquiring HIV is higher in uncircumcised men, both heterosexual men and male sex men. The risk of acquiring HIV is also higher in individuals with a number of factors, including:

  • Sex without wearing a condom. The risk of transmission will be higher through anal sex, and sexual intercourse by changing partners.
  • Having a sexually transmitted infection. Most sexually transmitted infections cause open sores in the patient's genitals, increasing the risk of contracting HIV.
  • Share injections. Injecting drug users generally share needles in using drugs.

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