
Fungi Infectious Disease

Fungi can cause infections in various parts of the body, and the most common are on the skin. Fungal infections of the skin, or medically called tinea, are generally experienced by people who are easily sweaty, live in humid weather, or people with low endurance. Examples of people who have low endurance are babies, the elderly, people with diabetes mellitus, or people with HIV. Fungal infections can also be transmitted through skin contact with healthy people with fungal infections.

Causes of fungal infections

Various types of fungi can cause infection in humans. One of the most common is the dermatophytes, such as Trycophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton. This type of fungus likes to live on human skin from the tip of the hair to the tip of the toenail.

People who are prone to fungal infections include:

  • People who live in humid climates
  • People who easily sweat
  • People who often use tight clothing with materials that do not easily absorb sweat
  • People who have family members or pets infected with fungi
  • People with low endurance

Diagnosis of Fungal Infection

In simple cases, doctors generally only need to see and feel the skin to determine the diagnosis of fungal infections. But if the skin disorder does not look typical for a fungal infection, the doctor will generally do a skin scraping check to ensure the disease. The skin is thought to have a fungal infection thinly scraped, then the results of skin scrapings are pressed against a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) and seen with a microscope.

In addition to microscopic examination of skin scrapings, you can also check with Wood's lamp. How, the diseased skin is illuminated by Wood's lamp. In fungal infections, irradiated skin will appear to glow greenish yellow

Symptoms of Fungal Infection

Fungal infections cause reddish marks on the skin that usually appear circular. But the skin in the middle of the circle usually looks healthier. Can also be accompanied by peeling skin.

This skin disorder is accompanied by itching. Parts of the skin that often experience fungal infections are in the abdominal area and back (tinea corporis), groin (tinea cruris), and between the toes (tinea pedis).

Not only on the skin, fungal infections can also attack the scalp and hair (tinea capitis). Symptoms are hair loss or broken, itchy scalp, can be accompanied by the appearance of dandruff.

Treatment of fungal infections

Especially for fungal infections in the head, treatment is carried out by taking antifungal drugs. This medicine is taken once a day, for more than two weeks. These drugs should only be used with doctor's instructions and prescriptions.

For fungal infections in the skin, the treatment depends on the extent of skin abnormalities that occur. If the skin disorder is very broad, then the treatment is done by taking antifungal drugs such as treatment for fungal infections in the head.

But if the skin disorder is not extensive, the treatment is with smeared antifungal drugs. This topical medication should be used for at least two weeks.

Prevention of fungal infections

To prevent fungal infections, the following needs to be done:

  • Avoid skin contact with people who have fungal infections
  • Do not use towels alternately with people with fungal infections
  • Use loose clothing with a material that absorbs sweat
  • After bathing, dry the body properly so it is not damp

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