
Cranberry Juice for Kidney Stones

Cranberry is a fruit of the berry class that is rich in nutrients and low in calories. This fruit comes from the northern part of the United States.

Cranberries are often used to prevent urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice can also prevent urinary tract infections, but is less effective at treating them. Cranberry is also used for neurogenic bladder (bladder disease where bladder function is lost) and eliminates urine odor for people who have problems controlling urination.

Some people also use cranberries to increase circulation of urination, kill germs, accelerate healing of the skin, and overcome fever. There are also uses of cranberries for type 2 diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, scurvy (lack of vitamin C), inflammation of the lining of the lungs (pleurisy), and cancer.

How does it work?

Until now, there has not been much research on how these herbs work. For more information, contact a doctor.

However, several studies show that cranberries and many other fruits and vegetables contain salicylic acid, which is an important ingredient in making aspirin. Drinking cranberry juice regularly can increase the amount of salicylic acid in the body. Salicylic acid in the body can reduce swelling, prevent blood clots, and as an anti-tumor effect.


The information provided below is not a substitute for medical recommendations. Always consult your herbalist or doctor before taking this medicine.

How many doses are used for cranberries for adults?

The dosage for using these herbs varies for each patient. The dose you consume depends on your age, health, and much more. Herbal supplements are not always safe. Consult your doctor for the appropriate dosage.

In what form are cranberries available?

These herbs are available in various forms, namely:

  • Fresh fruit
  • juice
  • Capsule

Side effects

What side effects can be caused by cranberries?
The most common side effects of eating cranberries are:

  • Diarrhea (if the dose is too much)
  • Hypersensitivity reaction

These side effects are not felt by everyone. Besides the points above, there are still other side effects that can be caused. If you are worried about certain side effects, please contact the doctor.

What should I know before consuming cranberries?
Some of the things you should pay attention to before consuming cranberry fruit are:

  • Store cranberry products in a dry place and avoid direct sunlight.
  • Cranberry is effective for preventing urinary tract infections, but not to cure it.
  • During consumption of cranberry fruit, pay attention if you experience the following things such as frequency of urination, difficulty urinating, and feeling hot when urinating.
  • If you have a urinary tract infection, use antibiotic treatment.

Regulations governing the use of herbal plants are not too strict compared to regulations on drug use. Further research is needed to determine its security. Before using herbs, make sure the benefits are more than the risks. Consult with your herbalist and doctor for more information.

How safe are cranberries?

Consumption of cranberries is not recommended for people with oliguria (lack of urine production), anuria, or too sensitive to this herb. Do not use cranberries as a substitute for antibiotic therapy if there is a frequency of urination increasing difficulty urinating, and feeling hot during urination. If you have had kidney stones, avoid using cranberry extract or drinking too much cranberry juice.

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