
Coronary Heart Disease Definition

Coronary heart disease is a condition when the heart blood vessels (coronary arteries) are blocked by fat deposits. When fat accumulates more, the arteries will narrow further, and reduce blood flow to the heart.

Reduced blood flow to the heart will trigger symptoms of coronary heart disease, such as angina and shortness of breath. If the condition is not immediately treated, the arteries will be completely blocked, and trigger a heart attack.

Coronary arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to the heart. There are two types of coronary arteries, which are both branched from the aorta or large blood vessels, namely:

1. Main left coronary artery (left main coronary artery / LMCA) - This artery functions to drain blood to the left porch and left ventricle of the heart. LMCA is divided into two parts, namely:

  • - Left anterior descending (LAD) - functions to drain blood to the front and left of the heart.
  • - Circumflex (LCX) - functions to drain blood to the back and outside of the heart.

2. Right coronary artery (RCA) - This artery drains blood to the right porch and right ventricle. In addition, RCA also circulates blood to the sinoatrial nodes and atrioventricular nodes, which regulate the rhythm of the heart. RCA is divided into posterior descending right and acute marginal artery. Together with LAD, RCA also supplies blood to the center of the heart, and the septum (the separation wall between the right chamber and the left ventricle of the heart).

Based on WHO data, coronary heart disease is one of the highest causes of death in the world. In 2015 alone, more than 7 million people died of CHD. Whereas in Indonesia alone, more than 2 million people were affected by coronary heart disease in 2013. Of these, coronary heart disease is more common in the age range of 45-54 years.

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