
Causes of Body Shivering and How to Overcome It

Shivering is a reaction to various conditions in which muscles experience repeated contractions to increase body temperature. The reaction occurs as a result of the body experiencing cold or infection.

Shivering can occur with or without fever. Body shivering without fever can be caused by cold air, while shivering followed by fever can be a sign that the body is fighting viruses, plasmodium, or bacteria that are attacking your body.

As for some conditions of health disorders that have symptoms of mengigil include flu (influenza), meningitis, pneumonia, viral or bacterial disorders gastroenteritis, sinusitis, malaria, urinary tract infections, and sore throat.

How to Overcome Fever without Fever

As you already know, shivering can also occur without fever. This condition usually occurs because of the cold air that approaches your body. To overcome this, you can use natural ingredients. Like ginger which is processed into warm drinks. Ginger has a hot and slightly spicy character. With this character, ginger is believed to warm the body, and help the body overcome cold. The other benefits of ginger are to strengthen the body after losing blood, and increasing the weak and slow pulse.

How to deal with shivering accompanied by a fever

If the shivering that happens to you is accompanied by a warm body temperature, you can also eat ginger. Ginger contains antibacterial which is believed to help in relieving fever, coughing, and several other common symptoms. You can make drinks made from ginger at home like in the form of hot ginger drinks or mixed with tea.

If shivering is followed by fever, you can also consume tea with an Echinacea mixture. This one herb is believed to help the body reduce fever and overcome infections by increasing the immune system. After that, if you feel a fever, remember to consume enough mineral water. Drinking water can help the body get rid of toxins or germs from the body. In addition, drinking water can help you slowly restore body function and regulate your body temperature.

After several ways to deal with the chills and fever above, to treat a mild fever try to rest a lot. Fever is one way the body tells you that your body has worked hard. Therefore, you need more energy to fight germs that enter the body.

When your body is shivering, try to notice other symptoms that appear. Because even if shivering is a sign that your body is cold, shivering accompanied by other symptoms can also be a sign of a possible more serious illness in your body. It is recommended to consult a doctor if the treatment of chills and fever in the above manner does not improve.

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