Causes and Ways to Overcome Small Breasts
December 19, 2018
At puberty, a woman's body will experience several changes. One of them is enlarged breasts. But each woman's breast size is not the same, there are also those who have small or large breasts.
Causes of Small Breasts
Small breasts can be caused by several factors below, including:
If your mother's breast size is large, chances are that you also have a large breast size. Vice versa, if your mother has small breasts.
Having more fat in the body makes you more likely to have bigger breasts. Even when you begin to diligently lose weight by exercising and maintaining a diet, one of the members of the body that first shrinks is the breast.
When you approach menopause, your estrogen hormone levels drop dramatically. As a result, the glandular tissue in the breast also shrinks, and the breast becomes smaller, less dense, more fatty, and sagging.
Breast hypoplasia
It is a condition in which breast tissue does not develop properly so as to make small breast size. The cause of this condition is not known with certainty, but it is thought to be caused by congenital abnormalities from birth, heredity, or side effects of radiation therapy in the chest area in childhood.
Ways to Overcome Small Breasts
If you have small breasts and feel disturbed, there are several ways that can make your breasts look firmer and bigger.
Sports that focus on the chest, back and shoulder muscles are believed to help improve posture and tighten and strengthen the chest muscles behind breast tissue. The following are exercises to tighten the chest muscles:
- Do push ups 12 times, repeat three times.
- Align your hands forward with your palms pressed together, then open until your hands are straight next to your shoulders. Repeat this movement for one minute.
- Align your hands to the side, then make a circular motion back and forth for one minute each.
- Bend your hands next to your shoulders to form a U-shape. Open and close your hands back and forth.
- Sleep on your back, both hands holding dumbbells, both legs bent. Lift both hands up and down again 12 times, repeat three times.
Wear a push-up bra
Using a push-up bra makes the breasts lift up until the small breasts look fuller. You can also make small breasts look bigger by stuffing cloth into a bra or wearing two bras at once.
Massaging the breast
Massaging the breast is thought to increase blood flow and stimulate collagen production in the breast. Later it can tighten the muscles and increase the growth of breast tissue until the small breasts look big. However, this has not been supported by scientific evidence and research.
Improve body posture
Walking and sitting with your body upright makes the small breasts look bigger.
Breast enlargement surgery
The only way that is sure to succeed in making small breasts fuller and tighter is to do breast augmentation surgery using implants. At least there are two types of breast implants, namely those containing sterile (saline) and silicone brine. Saline implants are believed to be safer to use than silicone implants. If it leaks, even if it's a little, silicone implants can damage the immune system. While saline implants will be safely absorbed or removed from the body. But beforehand, find out the risks and costs of breast implants by consulting a doctor.
The effectiveness of each method of overcoming small breasts above is different. So far, the best level of effectiveness in improving breast shape is surgery, because it has a permanent effect.
If you are not satisfied with small breasts, you can try a number of ways above to help change the shape of your breasts. But to ensure that the form of small breasts is not due to a serious medical condition, you are advised to see a doctor.