9 Symptoms of Lung Cancer that You Cannot Ignore
December 21, 2018
Lung cancer is a quietly deadly disease, and is a type of cancer with the highest mortality rate, which is 1.59 million in 2012, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
One of the causes of high mortality is due to the difficulty of diagnosing lung cancer early. About 40% of people diagnosed with lung cancer have only just received a diagnosis after the disease has developed. Of the 1/3 diagnosis, cancer has reached stage 3. Here are some warning signs of lung cancer that you should not ignore.
Characteristics and symptoms of lung cancer that often occur
1. You have a cough that cannot be cured
Coughing is very common. You can cough from a fever or because of choking. However, if the cough does not stop immediately after the fever has disappeared or does not improve after treatment, you need to see a doctor to check for lung or X-ray.
Chronic cough is often a symptom of other conditions, such as gastric acid reflux (GERD), asthma, or allergies. However, if the condition of the cough changes (such as from a dry cough and then coughing up phlegm or bleeding), you need to see a doctor.
3. You feel shortness of breath after normal activity
If you often feel short of breath or your breath sounds, this can be a symptom of lung cancer. You can have difficulty breathing due to a tumor that blocks the respiratory tract or the fluid around the lung increases, so that it compresses your lungs. Because it is normal to feel short of breath, we often ignore it. But if you can't breathe normally after doing routine activities such as going up stairs, lifting things, or doing things that you can previously do without difficulty breathing, contact your doctor immediately.
4. You experience chest pain
Although lung cancer tumors that appear in the middle of the lung do not cause pain, certain types of lung cancer that occur on the outside of the lung and chest wall can cause pain. Lung cancer can cause pain in the chest, shoulders or back. If the cancer causes chest pain, discomfort may be caused by lymph nodes or metastases in the chest wall, pleura (the lining around the lungs) or swollen ribs.
5. You can hear your breath sound
Shortness of breath occurs when the lung contracts, is blocked or inflamed. Shortness of breath can be a sign of health conditions such as allergies and asthma. Don't ignore it. If the condition does not improve soon, you should immediately notify the doctor. It's better to know what really happened than to assume.
6. Your voice changes
Your voice can become hoarse during a fever or when it is not used for some time, such as when you wake up. However, if you feel a change in your voice, or someone tells you that your voice becomes heavier and hoarse, consult a doctor immediately. If the condition does not improve after 2 weeks of treatment, see a doctor. Lung cancer tumors can affect your voice box, causing changes in your voice.
7. You lose weight
Sudden weight loss is a sign that is not good. People with lung cancer often lose weight in a short time, caused by cancer cells that use all energy and nutrients. Don't ignore changes in your body weight, especially if it happens when you don't change your diet or lifestyle. This can be a sign of change in your health.
8. You experience pain in the bones
Advanced lung cancer can cause bone pain. Most people with bone cancer are older people, so they think bone pain is an aging process. Bone pain from lung cancer is often centered on the back or shoulders, arms, or neck, although it is rare. Pain from lung cancer often worsens when you rest and at night. Pain is a bad sign. Therefore, don't ignore the pain in your body parts and get it checked immediately.
9. You have a headache that doesn't go away
The most dangerous pain from lung cancer is a headache. This can indicate that the cancer has spread from the lungs to the brain. In some cases, lung cancer can cause headaches because tumors suppress nerves that pass through the chest. This pressure can cause headaches. If you have a headache that does not go away, you should immediately see your doctor.