
When Pregnant Women Must Bed Rest

Some prospective mothers may have been recommended to bed rest by a doctor. Sometimes, a bed rest is needed in certain conditions to maintain the health of the mother and fetus. But unfortunately, so far many pregnant women are recommended for bed rest even though it is not really necessary or not according to medical indications. To straighten it out, consider the various bed rest terms and benefits during pregnancy that are important for you to know.

When should you have a bed rest while pregnant?

Do not rush sad when doctors require you to bed rest while pregnant. This is certainly not done without cause. Yes, doctors make this decision of course to safeguard the health of you and your prospective baby during pregnancy.

Basically, the bed rest during pregnancy should be done according to medical indications. But usually, this medical indication is actually not related to her pregnancy. For example, pregnant women with a history of heart disease are recommended for bed rest. This means, the bed rest that is done is certainly not because of the womb problem, but the location of the problem is precisely in the mother's heart.

But indeed, there are certain conditions that make pregnant women recommended for bed rest, namely:

1. Premature contractions

Mothers who experience premature contractions are often recommended to bed rest during pregnancy. But beforehand, the cause of premature contraction itself still had to be sought and handled first. Because, just resting certainly will not be enough to eliminate or deal with these premature contractions.

For example, mothers experience premature contractions due to certain infections. Well, this infection must be addressed first so that the contraction does not occur continuously. After that, the mother is encouraged to rest completely until her body is completely recovered.

2. High blood pressure

Blood pressure in pregnant women can increase due to various conditions, one of which is preeclampsia. This condition of high blood pressure can be one reason for pregnant women to have bed rest.

However, this condition certainly must be controlled first before pregnant women are asked to take a break aka bed rest. Just recommending bed rest without controlling blood pressure will certainly not make the health of pregnant women return to normal.

3. Bleeding in the first trimester

Mothers who experience bleeding in the early trimester are often recommended to rest aka bed rest. But again, bed rest alone will not be enough to restore maternal health if the bleeding is not treated first.

First, we must know the cause of the bleeding first. If the cause is not from the condition of the pregnancy, for example due to polyps or warts in the cervix, then bed rest alone will certainly not be able to eliminate the polyp. Instead of making mothers healthier, untreated polyps can endanger the health of the mother.

Furthermore, the polyp must be removed first so that the bleeding stops quickly. Only then can pregnant women bed rest to restore total health.

4. Twin pregnancy

Actually, not all pregnant twins are recommended for bed rest. However, there are some cases which show that multiple pregnancies have greater complications than single pregnancies, one of which is premature labor.

If premature labor arises suddenly, the doctor will usually give medicines that are inserted into the infusion fluid to eliminate contractions. During this infusion, pregnant women are recommended to bed rest in the hospital until they are fully recovered.

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