
Types of Diarrhea and What They Mean

Diarrhea is a condition when intestinal peristalsis is faster than usual so that the release of bowel movements is more runny and the frequency is more. Just as there are many types of dirt, there are also many types of diarrhea. And each type of diarrhea shows something very specific about your health.

That is why, according to health experts, when you visit a doctor with stomach problems, they will ask a number of questions to try to describe the type of diarrhea you are experiencing.

By determining the right type of diarrhea you have, your doctor will be able to more quickly and easily determine the cause and most importantly, end the diarrhea misery.

While acute diarrhea is very common, if your diarrhea lasts more than a few days, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor.

Chronic diarrhea that lasts for four weeks or more can be a sign of an underlying health problem. While if you also have a fever of 38.89 ° C or higher, experience severe pain, or think that you might be dehydrated, calling a doctor is not a bad idea.

Osmotic diarrhea occurs when there is too much water in your stomach, causing it to runny. Usually indicates that something you consume is not absorbed. Having lactose intolerance is a common cause of osmotic diarrhea, as well as consumption of artificial sweeteners. Avoiding dairy products or reducing sweeteners can help.

Secretory diarrhea looks very like osmotic diarrhea. But if you avoid milk and sugar products that cause osmotic diarrhea, and you still experience diarrhea even when you don't eat, it's probably secretory.

This form of diarrhea attacks when your intestines secrete electrolytes to your large intestine, which causes water to build up your digestive tract. Various factors can cause this phenomenon, including infection or in rare cases such as endocrine problems. If you experience secretory diarrhea, it's time to see a doctor.

If you have blood and pus in your stool, see a doctor immediately. Exudative diarrhea is usually associated with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Although some infections such as E. coli can also cause it. Depending on the reason for your exudative diarrhea, steroid or immunosuppressant drugs may be needed to help you feel better.

Diarrhea has never been fun, but paradoxical diarrhea is twice that. This happens when people experience severe constipation and the fluid behind the reserve is around the dirt and leaking like diarrhea.

According to health experts, you can really constipate and remove liquid impurities at the same time. Eliminating constipation will help you may need an injection of fluid through the anus to trigger emptying.

If you experience a little diarrhea more than three times a day, congratulations! Common symptoms of index glycemic conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, can also occur due to constipation, such as paradoxical diarrhea. If you add more fiber to your food, but don't react to it, you should go to the doctor for further medical treatment.

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