
Skin Conditions Eczema

Eczema is a skin inflammatory condition that makes the skin itchy, red, feels dry, rough and even cracked. Indonesian people themselves are more familiar with the terms dry eczema and wet eczema. So, what's the difference? Come on, see the explanation below.

What is the difference between dry eczema and wet eczema?

In the medical world, in fact there is nothing called dry eczema and wet eczema. There is only one term eczema used for skin inflammatory conditions. Red and dry chest skin due to eczema usually appears on one part of the skin, for example on the face, the inside of the elbow, the back of the knee, and also on the hands and feet.

However, eczema is divided into several types based on the trigger symptoms. Skin inflammation due to eczema can be done by genetic and environmental factors, such as chemicals and temperature. The following is a further explanation:

The most common types of eczema

1. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. This condition of eczema usually occurs in childhood, and often will improve with growth or after adulthood.

Atopic dermatitis causes dry, dry and cracked skin. This inflammation of the skin is usually done on the hands, feet, legs and hands, neck, upper chest, folds of the eyes, the inside of the elbows and knees. When scratched, the skin becomes sore and swollen. This may often be considered as dry by most Indonesians.

People who have a history are more dangerous to have atopic eczema, like people with food or asthma. Allergies are the main cause of eczema in young children. There are also several triggers that can cause atopic eczema, such as soap, detergent, stress, low humidity, allergies, and cold weather.

2. Irritant contact dermatitis

Irritant contact dermatitis occurs when the skin is associated with irritant materials, such as acidic content, liquid bleach, liquid cleanser, kerosene, and detergent. The types of jobs that often occur among workers, especially those who work in the fields of power, natural resources, manufacturing, and medical services.

Symptoms that are more often caused by irritant contact dermatitis are skin that feels sore, hot, and itchy. Nowadays it is often referred to as dry skin or the most repeated skin. Irritant contact dermatitis as dry eczema. In some cases, irritant contact dermatitis can cause blisters that can burst open causing wrinkles.

3. Allergic contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis occurs when the skin. Reaction contact with foreign substances. Common causes of allergic contact dermatitis contain gold / nickel or other metal materials, fragrances, latex gloves, cosmetic ingredients, to plants poison oak or poison ivy.

In allergic contact dermatitis, a skin rash can appear in the touched area within 24 to 48 hours. The main are dry skin, redness, blisters, until swelling of the eyes, face, or groin. Most likely, this eczema can also be called dry eczema

4. Dyshidriotic Eczema

Dysydrotic eczema or dishidrosis is a condition of skin inflammation characterized by the appearance of small pimples filled with fluid and itching on the surface of the skin of the palms and / or soles of the feet and between fingers.

These blisters can continue to appear and last around 3 weeks. These fluid-filled pimples are often mistaken for wet eczema. When the blisters dry out, the skin will become painful cracks. If you scratch the area, you will also feel the skin feel thicker and thicker. This is called dry eczema.

This condition is more common in women than men. Dishidrosis eczema can be caused by exposure to chromium (commonly found in salt), allergies, moist hands / feet, and stress.

5. Neurodermatitis

Neurodermatitis is similar to eczema atopic dermatitis. This condition causes thick, scaly patches to appear on your skin. Eczema is usually often experienced in people who have other types of eczema or psoriasis. It is still unknown what causes neurodermatitis, although some doctors suspect stress can be one of the triggers.

6. Nummular eczema

Nummular types of eczema generally cause rounded blisters in the body. In Latin, nummular also means a coin. Nummular eczema can be triggered by a reaction to insect bites or by an allergic reaction to metals and chemicals. Dry skin can also cause eczema to occur.

7. Static eczema

Static eczema is eczema that occurs when fluid leaks out of a vein and into your skin. This is usually caused by dilation of blood vessels (varicose veins). This leaky liquid can cause swelling, redness, itching, and pain in the skin. This is what might be called wet eczema by most Indonesians.

Once again it is emphasized that there is no such thing as dry eczema or wet eczema. Most likely, you have one of the types of eczema above. Therefore, discuss further with your doctor about your symptoms.

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