Signs of Breast Cancer in Women
November 01, 2018
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Most women only look for lumps in their breasts and not other general indicators. This is wrong, although lumps are the most recognized symptom of cancer, but that does not mean it is the only symptom of breast cancer.
The following are other symptoms of breast cancer, in addition to the presence of lumps:
1. Pain or discharge from the nipple
2. Changes in the texture or enlargement of skin pores
Some describe that the skin due to breast cancer has a texture like orange peel.
3. Pain that does not heal
Even if you have applied ointment or antibiotics, does the pain continue?
4. Coughing or hoarseness that does not heal
Is there no cause for your cough (not related to a cold or flu) and persistent?
5. Changes in the bladder or intestine
Does your bowel movements become irregular? Do you suffer from diarrhea or constipation for no apparent reason?
6. Loss of energy
Do you feel very weak or tired, no matter how much sleep you have gotten?
7. Change in body weight
Does your weight increase or decrease for no apparent reason?
8. Lumps in the armpit
Did you find a lump in your armpit and not in the breast? Breast tissue does extend to the armpit, so the cancerous lump does not necessarily occur in the breast.
9. Irregular breast size
Does your other breast feel bigger than the other?
10. Persistent itching
Itching that doesn't go away, can show fluid that builds up, bad lymph function, or your body tries to make new blood vessels for breast tumors.
11. Back pain at the top
Do you suffer from back pain that never subsides even though you have stretched, chiropractic treatment, or even rested?
Breast cancer can cause back pain when the tumor grows and pushes nerves and ligaments, or when the cancer metastasizes to bone cancer.
So, check your breasts regularly, either a few days after menstruation if you feel like a lump, or around the same day every month even though you don't feel you have it.
During monthly checks, look at the nipples and skin of the breast, then gently push your breasts and surrounding tissue to see if there is fluid or lumps.
About 20 percent of breast cancers are found by physical examination rather than mammography. And don't forget to check the area around your armpit. If you feel symptoms like the one above, it's better to immediately make an appointment with your doctor.
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